Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Cardinal Walter Kaspar cannot cite any exceptions, or ambiguity, in Vatican Council II to the traditional teaching on other religions.

There was a turning point video by Michael Voris titled What Did He Just Say? in which he asked the question who among us does not need to enter the Church for salvation ?.Who are the exceptions ?

Of course we do not know any exceptions.We cannot say that such and such a person is sure to go to Heaven, as if we can know that he will not commit mortal sins in future or that God will decide he is to be in Heaven.

'With fear and trembling work out your salvation' Philippians 2:12

If Michael Voris asks this same question with reference to  Vatican Council II and other religions and Christian communities, there would be no ambiguity found in the Council.There is no ambiguity in Vatican Council II with regard to other religions.

Perhaps Cardinal Kaspar and the present officials of the Council for Christian Unity and other important religious realize this!! So it could be useful for them to keep up the old propaganda of there being ambiguity in Vatican Council II with respect to other religions.(2)

If we do not know any exceptions as Michael Voris suggested in What Did He Just Say  then it means there are no visible cases of persons saved in invincible ignroance, seeds of the Word(AG 11), elements of sanctification(LG 8), imperfect communion with the Church(UR 3), good and holy non Catholic religions (NA 2) etc.

They are only possibilities which we accept in faith.They can only be possibilities because we cannot see these cases in Heaven.They cannot be exceptions to the dogma on salvation or AG 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation.

If these references in Vatican Council II are not visible to us, if we do not know any of these cases in real life, if Fr.Jonathan Morris does not know any of these cases, then there are no known exceptions in Vatican Council II to extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the dogma as it was interpreted for centuries.

If there are no known exceptions then the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance are no exceptions to the literal interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney.

Most important Cardinal Walter Kaspar cannot cite any exceptions, or ambiguity, in Vatican Council II to the traditional teaching on other religions.-Lionel Andrades

Video :What Did He Just Say ?


Video: Deliberately Unclear


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