Saturday, July 27, 2013

According to the Rector of the Gregorian University Rome, Fr.François-Xavier Dumortier all religions are equal paths to salvation

According to the Rector of the Gregorian University Rome, Fr.François-Xavier Dumortier     all religions are equal paths to salvation and if there a religion which is not a path to salvation he is not going to say it.

The Rector is the pro- Dean of the new Department of the Theology of Religions. This implies there is a theology or theologies of religions  which states other religions are paths to salvation. It means they interpret Vatican Council II as mentioning known cases of salvation which contradict Dominus Iesus 20,. the Catechism of the Catholic Church 846, Vatican Council II itself (AG 7), the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the dogma on the infallibility of the popes ex cathedra who defined extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors.
-Lionel Andrades

1 comment:

  1. As quoted in this post: "According to the Rector of the Gregorian University Rome, Fr.François-Xavier Dumortier all religions are equal paths to salvation and if there a religion which is not a path to salvation he is not going to say it. "


    This is accurately the rampant position, thought, view , belief and teaching of ALL save a few inside and outside the Catholic Church. If those who call themselves Catholic hold the position that all faiths are paths to Heaven and salvation and that there is no need for conversion to the One and only One, true, Catholic and Apostolic Church that Jesus the son of God founded how could those in the Church possibly have the spiritual wherewithall to be correct on other issues of Faith? Lionel, if Catholics can not get this right, how could they possibly have the good will and spiritual understanding to even remotely understand Baptism of Desire and Invincible Ignorance correctly? The truth of NOOCC must be understood, embraced and taught with vigor or there is no hope to expect other topics to fall in line with centuries of Church teaching..... and thus the crisis of faith that we have lived in for so long in the era we call VII and its aftermath.


    George Brenner
