Sunday, July 14, 2013

Catholic universities and organisations are misrepresenting the truth

Violates the misrepresentation of the truth law in Italy.
 Uninformed  Catholics are being told by Administrators of Catholic organisations  in Italy  and abroad , that the dead are visible  to us on earth, and this is what the  Catholic Church  teaches, so   according to them,  everyone does not need to convert into the Church to avoid Hell. There are known exceptions  for them. They could name them.
This is a misrepresentation of the truth.
On the other hand Catholics who affirm that we cannot see the dead are not granted the same facilities as  those Catholics  who allege they can see the dead on earth.This is absurd but a real situation in Rome.I could list many cases here.
For example  according to the Handbook of the Pontifical Urbaniana University Rome a course was offered by Prof Sandra Mazzolini who teaches ecclesiology there.In this course  she implies that we can see the deceased in Heaven who are known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiamn nulla salus. She calls it 'a development of doctrine' in Vatican Council II.(1) Students just have to accept this.
Even at other universities here Catholic seminarians and students who say they cannot see the dead  would be considered  'rigorist'  and 'not open'. Seminarians and students are afraid. So they say they can personally see the dead.
 Two liberal rabbis, Segno and Lara, visited the Pontifical Urbaniana University , and threatened the Rector and  Faculty. They were told that they had to give up mission.
So Sandra Mazzolini's visible dead theory would be welcome to the rabbis,It means for all of them, that there are known exceptions in Italy  in the present times to extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Every one does not have to convert into the Church.The politically correct position with the Left is : the deceased on earth  are visible to us.Catholics have to accept this.This was approved by Pope Benedict XVI.
In Italy there are anti Semitism laws also misrepresentation of the truth is illegal.

For Catholic organisations .If you don't tell a lie then you are affirming the dogma in public. Your considered a threat.If you say the deceased are visible you deny the dogma.So falsehood is being taught and maintained in public
Those who deny the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus  claim there are known exceptions,  implying the dead-saved  with implicit desire etc, are visible to us.-
Lionel Andrades












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