Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Doctrinally incorrect SSPX websites issue caution against each other

The SSPX  (Bishop Bernard Fellay) and the SSPX-SO (Bishop Richard Williamson) are making a doctrinal error, which has been reported numerous times on this blog.None of them are willing to acknowledge it or comment on it.
Instead they have begun criticizing each other on their websites and issuing cautions to their followers against each other. They both are not willing to admit that they made a doctrinal error .This error is used in an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II.
Here is Fr.Rostand of the SSPX cited on the website of the doctrinally incorrect 'opponent'.
FR. ROSTAND WRITES: “In a more precise manner, I denounce as immoral and as occasions of sin the websites where so many lies, false rumors, exaggerations, rash judgments and constant attacks on the legitimate authorities of the Society are pub­lished. Those who own them or collaborate with them are certainly offending God. I ask the faithful not only to stay away from these websites, but even to stay away from anyone who promotes their content, spirit and rebellion.”

-Lionel Andrades

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