Saturday, July 20, 2013

Faithful Answers could help by discussing this issue :Educate Mark Shea and the rest of them at Catholic Answers and EWTN.

Liberal Mark Shea comes to the defense of his friends at EWTN and Catholic Answers who like him interpret Vatican Council II as a break with Tradition.Recently I wrote a piece on how Jimmy Akins assumes there is known salvation outside the Church, so he rejects the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the traditional teaching on other religions.He also rejects the moral teachings of the Catholic Church, in particular Veritatis Splendor. He assumes that we cannot judge a mortal sin since the inner motivation of a person is not known.This is contrary to Veritatis Splendor and is the error of Fr.Charles Curran.Veritatis Splendor says the outer action indicates the inner intention and a mortal sin is always a mortal sin.
Jimmy Akins says that we can never really know if there is a mortal sin. This is the typical liberal position. He writes in the National Catholic Register that 'deliberate consent' and 'full freedom'(CCC 1857) cannot be known to us. Exactly! Since it cannot be known to us so only the first condition, grave matter, is sufficient to identify a mortal sin. We do  not need three conditions but one.
So now Mark Shea, who claims like the Jewish Left that Fr.Leonard Feeney was excommunicated for heresy, criticises Faithful Answers  on his blog. He claims interestingly that FA  wants to provide an alternative to Catholic Answers, and EWTN. If they do want to provide an alternative I would be glad. Since Mark Shea and the other convert apologists on Catholic Answers and EWTN  interpret magisterial texts with the Cushing premise.
FA could provide an alternative to Catholic Answers and EWTN who are in heresy often with the support of the USSCB, by  identifying  the Richard Cushing Error used by Catholic Answers, EWTN and Mark Shea- though presently also by Robert Sungenis on  FA.FA could discuss this issue.
Regarding Robert Sungenis, point out to Mark Shea that Vatican Council II (AG 7) indicates all Jews in the present time need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water to go to heaven and avoid Hell.This is the official teaching of the Catholic Church according to magisterial texts including Vatican Council II- and we  don't know any exceptions and neither does any magisterial text mention any exceptions. Presently Sungenis and Shea assume that there are known exceptions to AG 7.This was also the error of Robert Sungenis' former Bishop in Harrisburg,PA but Sungenis did not mention the Cushing error.
When Patrick Madrid, Jimmy Akin, Tim Staples accept  that we do not know any non Catholic saved in the present times, in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire, then they would have to admit, to be rational, that there are no exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Then would  Mark Shea have the courage to affirm the dogma and disappoint his leftist friends and supporters within and outside the Church?
Presently the aplogists at  EWTN and Catholic Answers are getting away with heresy and mortal sin since the traditionalists and other  Catholics are not identifying the Richard Cushing Error  being used by liberal Catholics.They are using this error to create liberal new doctrines in faith and morals with the support of the secular media and Catholics like Mark Shea. .This is not part of the Mystical Body of Christ as Mark Shea claims. This is heresy. These apologists, him included, should not be given the Eucharist at Holy Mass.
There was a book written critical of  EWTN titled EWTN a Network Gone Wrong  in which I could safely presume that the  authors did not mention the use of the Richard Cushing mistake by the apologists.Neither did they mention  the  Archbishop of the diocese in which EWTN is situated making the same error.
Faithful Answers could help by discussing this issue.Educate Mark Shea and the rest of them at Catholic Answers and EWTN.
-Lionel Andrades

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