Friday, July 12, 2013

Lumen Fidei is pleasing to the Jewish Left

There has been no criticism from the Jewish Left to the encyclical Lumen Fidei. Their leftist media has welcomed it.
Lumen Fidei is a liberal encyclical which interprets Vatican Council II according to the ADL and  Rabbi Rosen. The encyclical also does not say that Jews need Catholic Faith in the present times to go to Heaven and avoid Gehenna.

No proclaiming of the Good News to them or any one else in the present times. For the popes our elder brethren have 'the light of the faith' and they don't need the Messiah or the Church.
The encyclical does not say that Jews have 'ecclesial faith'.Neither does it say that do have it.
What if Lumen Fidei  said only Catholics have ecclesial faith? Would the Chief Rabbinate of Israel again break dialogue with the Vatican ?
It must  be pleasing for the Jewish Left that ecclesial faith  was extended to Christians.This is a rejection of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. It was also an interpretation of Vatican Council II according to Cardinal Richard Cushing, the Archbishop of Boston.Pope Benedict is an old Cushingite.
Lumen Fidei implies that Jews do not need to convert into the Church in the present times since there are known cases of salvation(among Jews) 'outside the Church'.
Since there are known exceptions to the dogma , Muslims too could be among those exempt from entering the Church  in 2013.
 This is the new theology of the Magisterium, supported by the Jewish Left, which the popes want all theologians to be faithful too.
Lumen Fidei is a political document. It expresses a 'faith' approved by Masons and the rest  of the Left, enemies of the Church. It is based on Cushingism which is irrational, unreal and heretical.
 It was Cardinal  Richard Cushing who about the time of the creation of Israel, created a theory , that of the visible-dead. This theory became the basis of a new and irrational interpretation of Magisterial documents (Mystici Corporis, Letter of the Holy Office 1949, Redemptoris Missio etc).  Cushingism is  one of the two interpretations of Vatican Council II used by the popes. It underlies Lumen Fidei.
-Lionel Andrades

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