Wednesday, July 3, 2013

No courses on mission and proclamation are available in July-August

Lay Catholics need to organise these courses in private.
Catholics, the new people of God, the chosen people (Nostra Aetate 4) do not have any course in Italy  on Mission and Proclamation, for lay Catholics - or religious!
This month there are different courses organized by the Federatione Italia Esercizi Spirituali(FIES) but not a single course on proclaiming the necessity of believing in Jesus Christ and living the Gospel according to the  teachings of the Catholic Church, as being the only means to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.Most of the FIES courses are conducted by Jesuit priests and are listed on their website (
Pope Francis last month called for proclamation and evangelization.(1).  At the St.John Laterna University this message was repeated at a few conferences.It was then to be picked up by the parishes and dioceses.
Catholic religious and lay people however know that the Conference of Italian Bishops and the Rome Vicariate, has promised liberal rabbis associated with Israel, that there will be no mission.So their public message is that the Gospel will not be proclaimed. This was also the message of  Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Gerhard Muller and Archbishop Di Noia and others.To protect the Vatican there is to be no mission.
Priests know,  there could be threats/suspension, from the Vatican(protecting itself),  for those who proclaim the Gospel with the truth.So it is not being done in the parish and dioceses. Nor is it being done in Catholic Universities which have employed liberal rabbis on the staff,who respect anti-Semitism laws.
The leftists have placed laws in Rome restricting religious expression.The Gesu al Centro youth program of the Vicariate no more includes street mission.I do not see any young members of the Emmanuel community on the streets .
Archbishop Gerhard Muller and Archbishop Augustine Di Noia in public statements have said that the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) would have to accept this heresy ('Jews do not need to convert in the present times') before being granted canonical status.
Pope Francis could ask all religious to first affirm the Gospel in public.Ask them to say:
1. All need to believe in Jesus Christ in only the Catholic Church,  with visible Catholic Faith and the baptism of water (AG 7, CCC 846, Dominus Iesus 20 etc).
2. There are no known exceptions in 2013 to all needing to convert for  salvation. Salvation outside the church is a hypothetical possibility only and so is not an exception to all needing to convert into the Church. If these cases exist they would be known only to God.
Religious who are aware of these two points however are still afraid to proclaim them in homilies, prayer intentions or reports in the media.
Since religious do not have any such course, lay Catholics need to organize these programs in private.
-Lionel Andrades
'A Christian,” Pope Francis said, “must proclaim Jesus Christ in such a way that he be accepted: received, not refused – and Paul knows that he has to sow the Gospel message. He knows that the proclamation of Jesus Christ is not easy, but that it does not depend on him. He must do everything possible, but the proclamation of Jesus Christ, the proclamation of the truth, depends on the Holy Spirit.”
“Accogliere la grazia per essere santi”. Papa Francesco apre il Convegno Diocesano

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