Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Official teaching of the Catholic Church not tolerated

<p>A Christian woman and child walk past a religious poster in Gojra, which has a history of Christian-Muslim clashes (2012 file photo: AFP/Arif Ali) </p>

A Catholic couple is accused of blasphemy in Gojra, Pakistan where Catholics are not free to speak freely about their faith. The laws are biased towards the Islamic  religion.It is difficult. Even the Catholic religious there know freedom of religious expression is limited for Catholics.
According to the official teaching of the Catholic Church non-Catholics, Muslims included, need to convert into the Catholic Church visibly, with faith and baptism(AG7) to go to Heaven and avoid Hell. There are no known exceptions in the present times.Neither does any Catholic recognized  document (magisterial) mention any exceptions.
This means according to the Catholic Faith, before and after Vatican Council II, all Muslims are on the way to Hell unless they accept Jesus as their  Saviour, within the Catholic Church, the only Church founded by Jesus.They need to  live according to the teachings of the Catholic Church for salvation.So according to Scripture, Magisterium and Tradition in the Catholic Church all Muslims are oriented to Hell.They have  Original Sin on their soul, mortal sins committed in this state and no access to the Sacraments of the Church which save. This would also include the Prophet Mohammad. This is the official teaching of the Catholic Church according to magisterial documents.(1)
So the official  teaching of the Church, is considered blasphemy and could result in death.If this Catholic couple said that they believed Mohammad is presently in Hell according to their religion, this would be considered irrelevant and they could still be put to death.
Usually Catholic religious would say that not every Muslim needs to enter the Church for salvation since there could be persons saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire.
This is a false argument. Since the Church teaches all need to convert and we do not know a single case in 2013 who can be an exception to this teaching. Also neither does any Catholic Church document mention that these cases saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire are visible to us or are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
If there are any Muslims saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire it would be known only to God and unknown to us.So the Church still teaches that every Muslim in the present times needs to convert into the Church to accept God's mercy made available through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and which is obtained and acknowledged by the convert through the baptism of water given to adults with Catholic faith..
God is love and wants all people to be saved but Hell exists. Those who respond to Jesus' Sacrifice will be saved.(Dominus Iesus 20). Those who do not respond will be condemned.(Mk:16:16.John 3.5).According to the Catholic Church every Muslim has an obligation to enter the Church before death, to go to Heaven for all eternity.-Lionel Andrades
Catholic Couple in Custody in Pakistan, Latest Victims of ‘Blasphemy Law’

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