Monday, July 8, 2013

Present magisterium can make a mistake and refuse to be guided by the Holy Spirit

We can accept Vatican Council II without using the interpretation of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith or the Society of St.Pius X(SSPX).Both are using the Richard Cushing objective mistake.
 Archbishop Gerhard Muller and Augustine Di Noia indicate that the present magisterium can make a mistake .It can refuse to be guided by the Holy Spirit. It can accept a factual error and heresy. This is done under threats from the known enemies outside  the Church.
 Archbishop Gerhard Muller is reported as wanting to break all relations with the SSPX who have already announced they have broken dialogue with the Vatican.
The SSPX does not endorse  Vatican Council II with the Richard Cushing Error  used by the Vatican, while the Vatican wants the SSPX to accept an interpretation of the Council with the Richard Cushing Error.
Recently Cardinal Kaspar referred to the Richard Cushing Confusion  caused by the Richard Cushing Error and Deadwood Statements, while the SSPX actually agreed with him!- unaware of the Cushing Confusion and the two ways of interpreting the Council- with or without the Cushing error.
Meanwhile the San Egidio community, Paulists Fathers, Jesuits and Dominicans and the Pontifical universities and seminaries in Rome are interpreting Vatican Council II with the Richard Cushing Error.The  CDF wants to maintain full contact with them.They interpret the Council as a break with the past.
Archbishop Muller has interpreted Vatican Council II as a break with the past himsef (National Catholic Register interview) and - has also issued a statement saying all who intepret the Council as  a break with the past,  are in heresy.
Reuters continues to interpret Vatican Council II as a break with the past and no one issues a clarification from the Vatican.
I am not an active  member of the SSPX and I reject the liberal magisterium interpretation of the Council,using the Richard Cushing Error, however I accept a Vatican Council II. A Vatican Council II which is in perfect agreement with Pope John Paul II, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Syllabus of Errors, and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was interpreted in Tradition for centuries, without any exceptions.
 The magisterium needs to admit that it made an objective, factual error and invite the SSPX into the Church with full canonical status.The SSPX  has a  traditional position which is already in agreement with Vatican Council II, without the Richard Cushing objective mistake. The Holy Spirit cannot teach irrationality.
-Lionel Andrades

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