Monday, July 1, 2013

The SSPX Declaration brings us back to the irrational question"Do you accept the baptism of desire as an exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus ?"

SSPX priests,supporters and websites ask if one accepts the baptism of desire or rejects it. This is a loaded question. It implies we can actually know of such a case and so accept or reject it.
"Are you a traditionalist who rejects the baptism of desire or are you a liberal who accepts the baptism of desire?". 
This is nonsense. We cannot know of any case to accept or reject  it.
However the SSPX Declaration  indicates that they can 'accept' the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance and so they have rejected Vatican Council II. Since for them invincible ignorance (LG 16) is known and so is an exception to the traditional teaching on other religions.It is an exception for the SSPX  so all need not convert into the Church in 2013 , all need not be visible members of the Church to avoid Hell.
This confusion results since the SSPX does not make the defacto-dejure distinction. They do not qualify their statements with terms like explicit-implicit, in practise-in theory, visible-invisible.
 An SSPX website says that the Holy Office (CDF, Vatican) 'condemned' Fr.Leonard Feeney ( for allegedly not  accepting the baptism of desire as a known exception to the dogma?). So for the SSPX the baptism of desire is a defacto exception to the dogma. The baptism of desire refers to visible cases which are an exception to the interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney. For the SSPX , Fr.Leonard Feeney did not know that there known exceptions.This was also the position of the Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Richard Cushing.The baptism of desire was explicit for him as if he could name cases.
The SSPX Declaration brings us back to the irrational question"Do you accept the baptism of desire as an exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus ?"
The SSPX bishops have all these years being saying "Yes". So for them, there are visible, known, explicit, defacto exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II to the dogma and the traditional teaching on other religions.
-Lionel Andrades

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