Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Until Pope Francis gets new instructions

'New storms are forming on the horizon and these storms are certainly not raised either by the friars, nor by the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate', writes Prof. Roberto dei Mattei.'We appeal especially to Pope Francis, to withdraw the measures against the Franciscan Friars and Sisters of the Immaculate and against their legitimate use of the ancient Roman Rite.' (1)

Something new has been added to the Magisterium.It is not the same Magisterium as the past. It is a break with the past.Today morning at the basilica where the body of St.Catherine of Siena lies I was reminded of the problems she had with the popes of her time.
Over the last few years there has been an intense attack against the Traditional Latin Mass in the mainstream leftist media in Italy.So there was possible political pressure on the pope, threatening always the very existence of the Vatican.Some time back the Jewish Left broke dialogue with the Vatican over the Revised Good Friday Prayer for the Conversion of the Jews, which is part of the Traditional Latin Mass.
The ecclesiology (understanding of Church) of the Traditional Latin Mass is outside the church there is no salvation.What the political opponents of this simple and peaceful Holy Mass do not realize ,is that the ecclesiology of Vatican Council II, without a false premise, is also that of the Traditional Latin Mass.
So without the Cushing Error ( the premise of the visible dead on earth) the Novus Ordo Mass and Vatican Council II are as traditional as the Latin Mass in the Extraordinary Form.One can be a traditionalist and be hated by the Left and also offer Mass in Italian.

The action of Pope Francis targeted  a good priest. Fr.Stefano Manelli FFI is a holy priest, living his Catholic Faith with sincerity. It was because he was living his Catholic Faith that he was targeted politically by the 'progressives', in and outside the Church.They would like a mute and prudent community like the 'transformed' Legionaries of Christ and Opus Dei. They will be mute and prudent until they all discover the Richard Cushing Error in the interpretation of Magisterial texts.Then they all , left, right and center, will once again be traditional and this will create new problems for the enemies of the Church.
In so many of these blog posts I have shown how the present Magisterium has made a factual mistake.Politically the Vatican Curia is afraid to comment.It is prudent to preted that i don't exist rather then say the Catholic Church teaches after the Council that all non Catholics, Christians included need to convert to avoid Hell and there are no known exceptions.
The discovery of this objective error will take the Catholic Church back to the traditional ecclesiology, irrespective if the liturgy is traditional or vernacular.
One day this truth must come out in the open.Then there will be priests and laity at the Novus Ordo Mass who will be say all need to convert into the Church for salvation with no exceptions in the present times (Vatican Council II, AG 7).Outside the Church there is no salvation, as Fr.Leonard Feeney understood it.(AG 7,CCC 846,Dominus Iesus 20 etc).This is the official and traditional teaching of the Catholic Church before and after Vatican Council II.It implies there can only be an ecumenism of return. There can only be the traditional understanding of other religions in inter religious dialogue (Redemptoris Missio 10,55 etc).Anything else would be irrational.There would be a moral obligation to work for a Catholic political state in which the Kingship of Christ is at the center of all social and political legislation.
Fr.Stefano Manelli and the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, most of them, were unfortunately not yet affirming Vatican Council II without the Richard Cushing Error.
I could never get across to them.They were always so obedient to the magisterium, even though the magisterium was making a factual mistake with the Cushing premise.I was close this community for a long time and attended Mass at their churches, both traditional and in Italian.They were friends.
Fr.Stefano Manelli affirmed the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.For him mortal sin existed. He would speak and write often about Hell.This was not acceptable to the Left.The pope got his instructions
Fr.Manelli personally knew Padre Pio and had an extraordinary love for Our Lady.He was always very faithful to the magisterium.All this was considered by Pope Francis as not being in step with the  Church,  monitored by leftist rabbis associated with the Chief Priest in Tel Aviv.
Now the magisterium is asking the community Fr.Manelli founded, one of the fastest growing if not the fastest one in the Church today, to be in step with the secularisation which has already entered the Church and which is growing.It means gradually accepting evil to keep ones property and privileges. Everything evil will be legalized and all that is good will be suppressed.Finally even the Novus Ordo Mass will come under attack. Satan will not settle for less.
We must continue to remain within the Church, under the new oppression, and affirm, the traditional teaching of the Church which never changes. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. The Holy Spirit cannot teach a new way to go to Heaven and avoid Hell and suggest that the way He taught for centuries was wrong.
Today morning, there was a group of young police men and women of the Rome Traffic police in their new uniform-short pants up to the knees. The Franciscans can still wear their habit with the prominent Miraculous Medal. Until of course, new instructions come.
-Lionel Andrades

1 comment:

  1. This too shall pass and the gates of hell shall not prevail.

    Words to live by, as you do Lionel. Silence is not acceptable. Thank you for continuing to speak out.

    God Bless you,

    George Brenner
