Saturday, August 3, 2013

Jesuits and SSPX bishops and priests offer Holy Mass in public heresy

Just as the Jesuits in public heresy celebrated the feast of St.Ignatius of Loyola on July 31, Bishop Bernard Fellay, traditionalists and members of the Angelus Press,USA and the SSPX District USA will be in public heresy when they hold a conference in October 2013.  In general both groups  reject the Nicene Creed by affirming that there are three known- to- us- in- the- present- times baptisms, for the forgiveness of sins i.e the baptism of water (visible, known and repeatable), the baptism of blood and desire (also visible, known and repeatable ?).
The Creed mentions only one known baptism. We know that the baptism of desire and baptism of blood are known and visible only to God. If the Church declares someone a martyr we accept it. However these cases of the baptism of blood are not physically visible to us to be an exception to the traditional teaching. The traditional teaching is that all need to convert visibly into the Church for salvation, with Catholic Faith and the baptism of water (AG 7).We cannot see any such case in 2013. So the baptism of blood, known to God, and baptism of desire not being physically visible to us are irrelevant to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. We cannot say that someone is going to be declared a martyr in 2013 or that someone in particular will have the baptism of desire and be saved this year.So they are not exceptions to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
For the Jesuits, the SSPX bishops, Prof. Roberto dei Mattei, Dr.John Rao, Fr. Arnaud Rostand and other traditionalists  these cases are relevant to the dogma. So for them it follows that there is a known and visible baptism of desire and blood.There are three known baptisms for the forgiveness of sins. This changes the Creed.
 Then the Jesuits and the SSPX groups reject the Athanasius Creed by affirming not outside the church there is no salvation, which is mentioned in this Creed, but outside the church there is known to us salvation.So for them both every one does not have to convert into the Catholic Church visibly in 2013. To reject the Creed or change its meaning is a first class heresy and they are both doing it and they offer Mass.
Then they indicate , that the Holy Office 1949 made a factual error by assuming that the baptism of desire is known to us in personal cases.So for them it was relevant to the literal interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney. For the Jesuits and the SSPX,  Fr.Leonard Feeney was condemned for heresy since he would not accept the baptism of desire etc as an exception to the traditional interpretation of the dogma.

The Jesuits reject the dogma on exclusive salvation, whch was defined by three Councils. They allege there are exceptions to the dogma mentioned in the Letter of the Holy Office. To reject a defined dogma is heresy. The SSPX is in the same position according to their websites and a book they are selling.However some of them are confused and assume that one can hold the literal intrepretation of the dogma along with known exceptions to the dogma in the present times. This is contrary to the Pinciple of Non Contradiction.However they both reject the literal interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney which is in accord with the official interpretation of magisterium documents. They both are using the unofficial, popular interpretation of magisterial documents with the Richard Cushing Error.The bottom line is this- they both reject the dogma which Pope Pius XII called an infallible teaching by assuming that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance are exceptions.
So they change  faith teachings (Nicene and Athanasius Creed) and the thrice defined dogma on salvation.
Since there are also known to them exceptions (whom they can name) in the present times, they allege there are also exceptions to the traditional teaching on mortal sin.They both interpret the Catechism of the Church on this issue in the same way. So instead of one condition being needed to identify a mortal sin, grave matter, they believe there are three conditions necessary.As if they can judge and see cases who had 'full knowledge' and who sinned with or without 'deliberate consent'. The Jesuits appreciate this error. The SSPX is critical of the Catechism.
So the Jesuits  are changing the Catholic teachings on morals having done so already on a faith issue, salvation.However the SSPX differs with the Jesuits here and hold on to the traditional understading of mortal sin.
At the Pontifical Gregorian University, the Jesuit Rector and priests have approved a new department in the Missiology Section titled A Theology of Religions Department. They imply that the different religions are equal paths to salvation and so they now have a theology of religions even though the Vatican corrected the priest Fr.Jaques Dupuis S.J for this very error.The Catechism of the Catholic Church says outside the Church there is no salvation (846) and all need to enter the Church as through a door and with faith and baptism. At the Gregorian University they are denying this.The SSPX is not as radical and heretical since they still follow Tradition. However the SSPX assumes that there is known salvation outside the Church, just as do the Jesuits. The Jesuits use this error for developing a theology of religions. This is explained clearly by Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.J, on the website of the International Theological Commission.
They both deny  the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and interpret Vatican Council II and all magisterial texts using the Richard Cushing false premise.They are rejecting the Creed, an ex cathedra dogma, Vatican Council II(AG 7) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church(846).
The Jesuits accept Vatican Council II with the Richard Cushing Error leading to heresy and a break with the past. The SSPX reject Vatican Council II when they also interpret it with the Richard Cushing Error and as a break with the past.
The Jesuits and the SSPX bishops and priests offer Holy Mass in public heresy.To change or deny the Creed and a defined dogma is a first class heresy.They both also use a false and irrational premise in the interpretation of magisterials texts like Mystici Corporis, Letter of the Holy Office 1949, Redemptoris Missio, Dominus Iesus, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Vatican Council.-Lionel Andrades
First Saturday

1 comment:

  1. During the current crisis of faith that we have endured since Father Feeney was silenced for teaching twenty centuries of teaching Catholic truth, it is not a question of whether there is No Salvation outside the Catholic Church but whether there is Salvation for many inside the Catholic Church. Until CATHOLICS convert catholics to the teachings of the one, true, Catholic and Apostolic Church how could we ever expect correct teachings and obedience to sound Catholic doctrine on so many subjects.


    George Brenner
