Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Monsgr.Guido Pozzo can Vatican Council II be interpreted according to Fr.Leonard Feeney ?

Msgr.Guido Pozzo who has been reappointed as the Secretary of Ecclesia Dei could be asked if Vatican Council II can be interpreted in line with Fr.Leonard Feeney; there being no exceptions  mentioned in Vatican Council II to the literal interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Mons Guido Pozzo is remembered for the time of hope, when it seemed the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) would  enter the Church with canonical status.Then the liberals met the pope and objected. They were demanding that the SSPX accept Vatican Council II, not in accord with Fr.Leonard Feeney, but Cardinal Richard Cushing.

Cardinal Luiz Ladaria wanted the Council to be interpreted with a visible to us baptism of desire, seeds of the word (AG 11) etc.Unfortunately this is the only one, of two interpretations which the SSPX understands of Vatican council II so they rejected the Council as before and the talks ended.
Similarly during the doctrinal talks Mons. Guido Pozzo ,Cardinal Luiz Ladaria and the SSPX theologians were all interpreting Vatican Council  II according to Richard Cushing.
Now if Mons Pozzo is willing to say that Vatican Council II can be interpreted according to Fr.Leonard Feeney then this opens a new way for the SSPX to enter the  Church with full canonical status.
The Council would be traditional , and since it affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus  it has the same traditional position as the SSPX on other religions, an ecumenism of return and a moral obligation to work for a Catholic political state.
-Lionel Andrades

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