Monday, August 12, 2013

No one from the Pontifical Anselm Univesity denies what I have written

No one from the St.Anselm University, Rome denies what I have written. This must all be new for them.
I have sent them these two blog posts (see below) .One of the many Benedictine theologians on their faculty could have answered and showed me where I am wrong and if they know that there is no fault in what I have written then they could admit that it is correct.
Also admit that they are, now after being informed, offering Mass in public heresy and mortal sin.
Or they could say,' Why bother? Even the Dominicans at the Angelicum University and the Jesuits at the Gregoran University are also in mortal sin. We are not alone. And anyhow this is the politically correct and prudent teaching to hold.'
-Lionel Andrades

August 11, 2013

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