Friday, August 9, 2013

Since the difference between the Official and Unofficial teaching of the Catholic Church is not known the Traditional Latin Mass is still targeted .

Since the difference between the Official and Unofficial teaching of the Catholic Church is not known the Traditional Latin Mass  is still targeted . The difference between the 'old Mass'  and the 'new Mass' before Vatican Council II and after Vatican Council II is the use of the Unofficial Teaching of the Catholic Church.
 The 'old Mass' has the 'old ecclesiology' because it does not use the popular Unofficial Teaching for the Church, based on a false premise . So the traditionalists and sedevacantists are using the old ecclesiology while they interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise, and the common Unofficial Teaching of the Catholic Church. a break with the Magisterium of the past.
 It is possible for a Catholic priest to offer a solemn Mass in Italian, and interpret Magisterial documents, not using the Unofficial but Official teaching  of the Church. His eccleisology could be traditional and not a break with the past . His concept of other religions and ecumenism would be based on extra ecclesiam nulla saus which is not contradicted in the Official Teaching of the Catholic Church.

I once asked a priest in Rome who offers Mass in Italian if he knew anyone saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire in the present times. He said he did not know any scuh case  and that this was known only to God.So I mentioned that there are no exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.He agreed with me.I reminded him that he was affirming extra ecclesiam nulla salus. He thought for a  few seconds and then said ,'except for those in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire.I reminded him that he had just said that he did not know any such case.
He said that this was the teaching of the Church and we have to follow it.
He meant that this is the Unofficial  teaching of the Catholic Church and is commonly followed.
So this priest rejects the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus  , an ecumenism of return  and the necessity of a Catholic political state  not because of the Mass but because of the Unofficial Teaching of the Catholic Church, which uses a false premise, the Richard Cushing premise.
 He was using the  Richard Cushing Error of being able to see the dead saved with the baptism of desire etc in the interpretation of  magisterial documents.

When priests differentiate between the Official and Unofficial  teaching of the Church, they could once again be traditional and rational, irrespective of the Rite of the Mass being used.
Consider the surprise the political Left will get when they realize that priests who offer Holy Mass in the vernacular, are using the Offical interpretation of the Catholic Church with reference to salvation, ecclesiology etc and are as traditional as those who offered the Traditional Latin Mass before Vatican Council II.
Consider their surprise when they realize that lay Catholics are no more fooled into believing that the Unofficial Teaching of the Catholic Church is according to magisterial texts when it is not.They will realize that there can be only one rational interpretation of Vatican Council II and other magisterial documents.They will also realize that sedevacantists like the CMRI,MHFM need to be invited into the Church since their traditional position on salvation is that of the Offical Teaching of the Catholic Church.The Vatican is not using the Official Teaching of the Catholic Church according to magisterial texts, but the Unofficial version.
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and Ecclesia Dei must explain to them the difference between the two interpretations and how the Vatican has been using the irrational one all these years.-Lionel Andrades

Photos from the website of the sedevacantists Congregatio Mariae Reginae Immaculatae (CMRI). They are using the UnOfficial Teaching of the Catholic Church in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.

1 comment:

  1. What Catholics need to be explained correctly from Rome, in light of centuries of Church teaching and being proposed with the utmost respect, humility and charity and yet with resolve, urgency and expectation of response as the Church militant hereby demands before God:

    1. No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church
    2. Baptism of Blood and Baptism of Desire
    3. Invincible Ignorance
    4. Conversion of non Catholics to the
    Catholic Faith as Church teaching
    5. Promotion of the traditional Latin Mass
    6. Code of reverence
    7. Code of discipline
    8. Homosexuality
    9. Contraception and birth Control
    10. Abortion
    11. Mortal sin
    12. The Sacraments
    13. The Ten Commandments
    14. Grounds for retaining Catholic status
    15. Enforcement of Church laws
    16 thru 20 main concerns that are missing


    George Brenner
