Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The traditional interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney is the de fide teaching of the Church after Vatican Council II

In Faithful Answers next installment on extra ecclesiam nulla salus  Ryan Grant is expected  to use the unofficial, popular interpretation of the magisterium, to criticize Fr.Leonard Feeney. He will not use the official teaching of the Catholic Church , based on magisterial texts, without the Cushing Error.If he uses the official teaching of the Catholic Church, he would discover , that the traditional interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney (with no visible to us baptism of desire) is the official de fide teaching of the Church ,before and after Vatican Council II.
It is because Ryan Grant assumes the baptism of desire  is explicit in particular  cases  he will criticize Fr.Leonard Feenety in the next write up.
Also in the process he will change the Nicene Creed to say 'I believe in three known baptisms' and the Athanasius Creed to 'Outside the Church there is known salvation'.He will interpret the Catechism of the Catholic Church (846) and Vatican Council II(AG 7) as a break with Sacred Tradition and Fr.Leonard Feeney.
It would mean he would also be free to say that all non Catholics (Christians Iincluded) in the present time do need to  enter the Church for salvation, since he could allegedly name an exception.
In the next installment he will say that not all  Protestants in 2013 need to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation since there could be, or there are,  some saved with the baptism of desire, as if he could name them.He will write another vague piece, as he did in  the first one, and its important for him, that no one consider him Feeenyite!-since he really is not one.He vaguely supports the dogma with plenty of contradictions.
Faithful Answers is still in line with EWTN, Catholic Answers ,CUF etc on extra ecclesiam nulla salus. 
-Lionel Andrades  

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