Monday, August 19, 2013


The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) organised a talk on reincarnation and this was overlooked by an American bishop, reportedly monitoring the last conference.

Sr.Ilia Delio has been speaking also in the past on reincarnation as she did at the  LCWR's recent conference.

Reincarnation is an important tenet of the New Age, the Masons, Theological Society and the Left.

 The Left has been politically promoting the fantasy theology of Teilhard di Chardin, even though it has no scientific basis. The fossil on which Chardin based his theology, was discovered to be a fraud. This happened during the life time of Chardin.

 However the political Left  has used this opportunity to dismiss the Judeo-Christan concept of Hell and Heaven.

According to Sr.Ilia we humans are constantly evolving  over millions of life times . We are evolving towards Perfection .

This is a concept from  Eastern religions and pagan cultures.Reincarnation is so important to the iedeological Left, that the Vatican was forced by the liberals to hold a conference  on Teilhard di Chardin, in which a cardinal participated. So the position of reincarnation by the LCWR is expected to be overlooked by the Vatican.

Even though a monitum was issued against the writings of Teilhard di Chardin in the past it is being ignored by the  Vatican under political pressure.

Similarly the Vatican had criticized the 'theology of religions' in the writings of Fr.Jacques Dupuis and had censored his book 'Towards a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism'.Today the theology of religions is being advocated by the LCWR and  Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.j, Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican.It can be read on the  website of the International Theological Commission in two theological papers.

It is also  promoted openly and officially at the Pontifical Gregorian  University 's new Theology of Religions Deartment, replacing traditional mission doctrine.

This was accepted by Pope Benedict XVI who agreed to the Jewish ADL etc demanding that Pope John Paul II be projected as a liberal,so that the beatification event could proceed.Negotiations with the Vatican were successful and this was reported on the ADL website.

There is no scientific basis for the theory about all of us evolving towrds an Omega point as there is also no scientific basis for evolution on which Sr.Ilia Delio speaks , since according to Charles Darwin's rationale, itself, the ape could have devolved from man, as a degenerate species.
-Lionel Andrades

Sr.Ilia Delio and Leadership Conference of Women Religious promote reincarnation

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