Thursday, September 5, 2013

Fr.Jean Marie Gleize and heresy

Fr.J.M Gleize quotes St.Thomas Aquinas saying he who does not speak with precision falls into heresy.(1)
 VaticanoII un dibattito aperto
When Fr.Gleize refers to the extraordinary means of salvation he is not precise.He is suggesting that there are defacto, known exceptions to Tradition; the dogma on exclusive salvation, the Syllabus of Errors (other religions, and Christian communities) and other magisterial documents,including Vatican Council II (AG 7).
He could be precise and state that there could be persons saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire, this is a possibility. It is accepted in theory, hypothetically only. In fact, in reality there is no such known case. So these cases, known only to God, are not exceptions or even relevant to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. If they were known, then they would be exceptions to the Catholic teaching on the need for all to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation.
Those who are in Heaven are visible only to God.So we cannot see or meet anyone saved with 'elements of sanctification and grace'(LG 8). A possibility is not a known reality.
Fr.Gleize cannot name anyone saved with 'elements of sanctification and grace'(LG 8), or invincible ignorance(LG 16) etc. There is no exceptional way outside the visible limits of the Church, mentioned in Vatican Council II.
 There are no exceptions to the dogma on salvation. While Ad Gentes 7 supports the traditional teaching on other religions and Christian communities, when it states all need 'faith and baptism' for salvation. Non Catholics do not have Catholic faith which includes the faith and moral teachings , the Sacraments , communion with the Pope , and the popes of the past.
They are not aware that one mortal sin can take them to Hell, even if they believe in Jesus. The normal, ordinary means to remove mortal sin from the soul are the Sacraments of the Catholic Church.
So it could be heresy when Fr.Gleize , like numerous Catholics,suggest  that the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance , mentioned by Pope Pius X II (Mystici Corporis , Letter of the Holy Office 1949) are exceptions to the dogma on exclusive salvation. It would be heresy to suggest that there is an 'extraordinary way' of salvation, when this 'way' is not available as a choice , as is the baptism of water.We can only choose to be baptized with water , which is visible and repeatable.The baptism of desire etc is not visible or repeatable.
-Lionel Andrades
p.136, Vaticano II Un Dibattito Aperto, Editrice Ichthys,2013
ST,3a questione 16,art 8,
ST,1a,questione 13,art 1.
Photo of the SSPX theologians who participated in the doctrrinal talks with the Vatican. Was their doctrinal position heretical like that of the Vatican side?

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