Wednesday, September 11, 2013

From the Parish Priest to the Pope the Catholic Faith is being denied for political reasons and necessity

There is a total disregard for the doctrines and teachings of the Church and this is being imposed with power, on Catholic religious (Franciscans of the Immaculate for example) (1) and on lay people .Cushingism seems one of the biggest problems in the Church, doctrinally, which is not being identified.
Ecumenism: It is not being said that Vatican Council II is contrary to the ecumenism of 'non return' to the Catholic Church.This is contrary to Vatican Council II.Vatican Council II says all need faith and baptism for salvation.Protestants and Orthodox Christians do not have Catholic Faith.So there can only an ecumenism of return to the Catholic Church,according to magisterial documents.
Inter religious Dialogue :
Vatican Council II (AG 7) says all Jews, Muslims and other non Catholics need to enter the Church for salvation. This is not being said in public.The Council is in perfect  agreement with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. This is  not being affirmed for political reasons.Vatican Council II says Catholics are the new people. Catholics are the new Chosen People(Nostra Aetate 4). Catholics have the promised Messiah, they have the Sacrifice in the Mass, they have the Ark of the Covenant in the tabernacle in Christ himself, they have the Jewish prophets.(2)
Traditional Latin Mass, the Tridentine Rite Mass still upholds Vatican Council II interpreted rationally (3) Yet it is being projected as a break with the Council (interpreted with Cushingism). 
Atheism is a mortal sin. Since the atheist does not have Catholic Faith which is needed for salvation.
Similarly homosexuality is a mortal sin. The orientation can be changed , the act is sinful and evil and so is the relationship. The orientation is not a sin, but it is not normal or natural and can be changed as is the experience of so many at prayer meetings.Jesus dispels the impure spirits which is the cause of the sin.
This is not being affirmed clearly from the Parish Priest to the pope.This is a form of denial.Denial with silence.

Similarly being saved in invincible ignorance and with the baptism of desire are not exceptions to Vatican Council II (AG 7 all need faith and baptism for salvation), the defined dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors and other magisterial documents (Redemptoris Missio, Dominus Iesus etc).Also no magisterial document claims that we know these cases in practical life , for them to be exceptions to the traditional teaching on salvation.

Yet this error is being maintained and there is no clarification from the Vatican.It is politically expedient to say that one can see the dead on earth who are saved and are visible exceptions to all needing to convert into the Church for salvation.Due to these allegedly visible ghosts every one does not need to convert into the Church!
The Catholic Church is following the Masonic agenda set for all, in which the motto is 'peace at any price'.
In general magisterial documents are being interpreted with Cushingism (visible to us exceptions) instead of Feeneyism ( no visible to us exceptions to the dogma on salvation). Since they assume that there are visible exceptions to the dogma on salvation(Cushingism) Pope Francis can say that an atheist in 2013 can be saved or that he cannot judge a homosexual. Since if there is a known exception in 2013  then there is an exception  to the rule, an exception to the traditional teaching.
If there is only a hypothetical case of an atheist being saved, something we accept as a possibility, known only to God, then there is no known, defacto case in 2013 to the traditional teaching on atheism being a mortal sin.
Similarly only if we use Cushingism can we deny the traditional teaching on suicide.Suicide is a mortal sin. However it is being said that there could be a case(known) who is an exception. So we can give the suicide victim the benefit of the doubt and a Catholic funeral.
The political left is filtering Church doctrines with Cushingism and  religious are in ignorance or political-silence.
-Lionel Andrades


Leader of the Dissidents Appointed General Secretary of the Franciscans of the Immaculate

http/ 2

Peter and Michael Dimond exposè on Pope Francis

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