Monday, September 9, 2013

Michael and Peter Dimond assume the baptism of desire is explicit and visible to us so they condemn St.Alphonsus Ligouri as a heretic

Michael and Peter Dimond on the Most Holy Family Monastery website still assume that the baptism of desire is relevant to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ,making the error of Cardinal Richard Cushing in the Fr.Leonard Feeney case.

The Sedevacantists write:
In fact, St. Alphonsus’ explanation of BOD was heretical, as the article proves.Consider the facts: his explanation is without a doubt contrary to the teaching of the Council of Trent that everyone must be ‘born again.’

 Yes every one must be born again in 2013 with the baptism of water and Catholic Faith and there are no known exceptions this year. We do not know any case of the baptism of desire in 2013.So it does not contradict the Council of Trent. If there was a visible known case then it would contradict Trent.

That’s why the BOD heretics will ignore, rather than attempt to address, what is proven in the article.He misunderstood Trent and his misreading led him into a false explanation.
 Third, St. Alphonsus was quite different from current BOD supporters insofar as he held that all must have faith in the Trinity and the Incarnation to be saved, while current BOD heretics accept the heresy that souls can be saved in false religions and indeed in any religion.

Yes all must have faith in the Trinity and the Incarnation and be members of the Catholic Church for salvation and there are no known exceptions this year. The baptism of desire is known only to God and so it never was considered an exception before Cushingism emerged in the Catholic Church.
 Fourth, as we have explained quite clearly and consistently, someone can erroneously hold explicit ‘baptism of desire’ in good faith for a certain period time, without being a heretic, until they see the dogmatic evidence which contradicts it and the refutations of the arguments advanced for it.However, after seeing the facts which refute it, such as those covered in the article and in our material, to hold even explicit ‘baptism of desire’ is to demonstrate profound bad will.It is to contradict Catholic teaching obstinately and become a heretic.That would apply to St. Alphonsus if he lived today.If he saw the evidence presented against his own explanation, and obstinately adhered to the position he articulated, he would certainly become a heretic.The problem is that you only have faith in man, not in God; and you measure things not by the facts of God’s revelation, but on the basis of whether the fallible opinions of men conform to them.You should read this again.

It has been a long time since I have presented the 'evidence' on the baptism of desire to the Most Holy Family Monastery. If they continue with their 'error' it would be a lie.It would be a sin.

The popes and saints only refer to the baptism of desire. They do not state that the baptism of desire is explicit and visible for us to be an exception to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
Neither does Vatican  Council II or any other magisterial document  refer to exceptions to the dogma or name any exceptions.So the Magisterium, in magisterial documents, does not teach that the baptism of desire is an exception to the dogma. Yet this is wrongly assumed by cardinals, bishops, priests, traditionalists and liberals and the sedevantists MHFM.
The same error of the sedevantists MHFM is being held by other traditionalists.
The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Fr.Leonard Feeney's communities, affirm the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and say there is no baptism of desire.
Then on their website they have provided a definition of the baptism of desire which includes the baptism of water.
However they assume that Vatican Council II is an exception to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus indicating that the baptism of desire being saved in invincible ignorance etc are explicit and known to us to be exceptions.
Similarly they say that if you accept that even one case of a person being  saved without the baptism of water it is a rejection of the dogma on salvation. This is indicates they see the baptism of desire etc as explicit and visible to us.
If the baptism of desire is considered implicit and known only to God then there would be no known exception to the dogma,not even one case. Implicit baptism of desire would be compatible with the literal interpretation of the dogma according to Fr.Leonard Feeney.It does not contradict the Principle of Non Contradiction.
Similarly traditionalists priests with the SSPX claim they accept the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and accept the baptism of desire also  which for them is explicit.This is contrary to the Principle of Non Contradiction. How can  all need to enter the Church in 2013 but some do not ?
Similarly the liberals in the International Theological Commission reject the literal interpretation of the dogma and assume that the baptism of desire etc is explicit and known to us. So these cases for the ITC, using Cushingism, indicate  that Fr.Leonard Feeney was wrong. They would also be saying that the cardinal who issued the Letter of the Holy Office made a factual error. Since they interpret the Letter of the Holy Office using Cushingism.
Similarly apologists Fr.Brian Harrison and Robert Sungenis assume that the baptism of desire is an exception to the literal and traditional interpretation of the dogma.The same error is made by EWTN, Catholic Answers, Catholics United for the Faith, the Fatima Network etc.This error is the basis for liberalism, in the Catholic Church.It needs to be corrected by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, whose officials have made the same error of Cushingism, in public.
-Lionel Andrades

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