Sunday, September 15, 2013

Pope Francis denies the Catholic Faith

Pope Francis recently met with members of  Jewish Left organisations and he also referred to Jews in the Letter to La Repubblica.
 In that Letter (1) he did not say that Jesus, the Bible and Catholic magisterial documents  teach that Jews need to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation.He has not said that this is the teaching of Vatican Council II (AG 7) .Nor has he mentioned that this was the teaching of three  defined dogmas issued by three Church Councils and popes during different times.
According to the teachings of the Catholic Church, all the members of the Jewish Left organisations and the leftist Rabbis  whom the pope met, are oriented to Hell unless they convert into the Catholic Church with 'faith and baptism'(AG 7, Vatican Council II). They need to enter the Church 'as through a door'(CCC 846).
The pope has never said that Vatican Council states Catholics are the 'new people of God' (NA 4); the new Chosen people.
The Jewish Left organisations, the Jewish Anti Defamation League  and the Chief priest in Israel(Rabbinate) have called for an end to mission to the Jews. The representative of St.Peter has agreed.
ADL says Jews are still the chosen people of God.Cardinal Bergoglio agreed.
The ADL says the Old Covenant exists and Jews are saved through it. Pope Francis agrees.
The Bible  and Vatican Council II refer to  a new and everlasting Covenant, Jesus made with his Sacrifice for all, who accept him and his teachings.
ADL says dialogue must not include mission and respect for Jews must not include conversion. Pope Francis seems to agree.
They insist that Vatican Council II be interpreted with Cushingism. The pope and the Jesuits are doing just that.
The Jewish Left has the right to tell Catholics what to believe and what not to believe  and the popes accept it. They also tell Catholics that their religion is inadequate in some aspects . The pope accepts this.
 For 'good relations with the Jews (of the Left)' Pope Benedict XVI and the President of the Conference of Italian Bishops, Cardinal Bagnasco have officially stated that Jews do not have to convert in the present  times.
Pope Francis greeted  Rabbi Segni of Rome who is assisting the Italian Education Ministry translate the Talmud into Italian.The Talmud is known to contain blasphemy for Christians.Many popes in the past opposed it.
The Jewish Left representatives  whom Pope Francis greeted  promote  atheism, homosexuality, abortion, contraception and other things associated with Satan. They are opposed by Orthodox Jews, good Jews who live the 10 Commandments of Moses.They also  oppose Gomorrah. These Jews cannot get an appointment with the popes.Since the pope is only allowed to meet Jewish Left leaders.He can only visit their synagogues.Popes are not allowed to invite Rabbis opposed to Zionism.Nor can he visit their synagogues.
The pope is denying the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Vatican Council II (AG 7), the Catechism, of the Catholic Church(846), Dominus Iesus 20, the CDF Notification on Fr.Jaques Dupuis (2001) during the pontificate of Pope John Paul II and  John 3:5,Mark 16:16 etc.

He has not affirmed the Nicene Creed , "I believe in one baptism for the forgivess of sin".(Non Catholics do not need the baptism of water to forgive Original Sin for him). He is rejecting the Athanasius Creed'Outside the Church there is no salvation'. This is heresy.It is a first class heresy in the hierachy of truths, of Pope John Paul II.
One is reminded of Pope Pius XII being silent when Cardinal Richard Cushing,the Archbishop of Boston said invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire  are known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla  salus.As if he could name these exceptions. This was about the time of the creation of Israel and the growing power of the Jewish Left in Boston and the rest of the USA. The Archbishop maintained the excommunication on Fr.Leonard Feeney for years.Since Pope Pius XII could not say in public that all non Catholics need to enter  the Church for salvation and  there are no known exceptions.
Pope Francis is my pope and he can change his view in future.He can admit his mistake. Just like me he also can go for Confession. The error of Cushingism  is widespread among Catholics, like the Arian heresy of  past times. Like many Jesuits, he may not be aware of the error.

Before the Chief Priest of Israel and the rest of the Left, Pope Francis was not ashamed to say that Jesus is the Son of God.Jesus had the same message for the Chief Priest, when it was not politically correct to say it.
So, there is hope for the Church.- Lionel Andrades

At the end of your first article, you also ask me what to say to our Jewish brothers about the promise God made to them: Has this been forgotten? And this - believe me - is a question that radically involves us as Christians because, with the help of God, starting from the Second Vatican Council, we have discovered that the Jewish people are still, for us, the holy root from which Jesus originated. I too, in the friendship I have cultivated in all of these long years with our Jewish brothers, in Argentina, many times while praying have asked God, especially when I remember the terrible experience of the Shoah. What I can say, with the Apostle Paul, is that God has never stopped believing in the alliance made with Israel and that, through the terribile trials of these past centuries, the Jews have kept their faith in God. And for this, we will never be grateful enough to them, as the Church, but also as humanity at large. Persevering in their faith in God and in the alliance, they remind everyone, even us as Christians that we are always awaiting, the return of the Lord and that therefore we must remain open to Him and never take refuge in what we have already achieved.
-Pope Francis, from Letter to Dr.Scalfari,La Repubblica.


1 comment:

  1. Lionel: Pope Francis denies the Catholic Faith.....Headline

    With profound sadness and tears I agree. The Ark of Salvation is in very turbulent seas.

    Pray and remain strong in the faith.

    From a mutual blogger of ours:


    George Brenner
