Thursday, September 12, 2013

Pope meets religious leaders using an ideology foreign to the Catholic Church.

The pope recently met religious leaders, using Cushingism, to reject the Catechism of the  Catholic Chruch (846), Vatican Council II(AG 7) and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
The pope interprets Vatican Council II  with Cushingism, a foreign ideology which has entered the Catholic Church in the 1940's. It was used  to interpret the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 as saying  that there are known exceptions, visible to us, to the traditional , centuries old interpretation of the dogma on exclusive salvation.

Since there are allegedly, physically visible cases, of persons being saved in invincible ignorance etc, the ecclesiology(understanding of Church) changed. 

The Church is no more, according to Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.J, 'ecclesiocentric'. The Secretary of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, welcomes on the International Theological Commission website, a 'theology of religions'. This theology of religions is based on these known and visible to us cases of persons dead and saved with the baptism of desire etc.

Jesuits and Cardinal Richard Cushing, the Archbshop of Boston , alluded to these dead but visible cases, in there insertions  in Vatican Council II,where they were very active.However they were blocked by the conservatives and Vatican Council II no where says there are known exceptions to the dogma on salvation. However the Deadwood Statements remain to confuse most Catholics.

Vatican Council II contains  many of these Deadwood Statements, Richard Cushing Confusion, which has not been corrected by the popes incuding Pope Francis.

Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI  used Cushingism in the last encyclical  Lumen Fidei, when they they  asumed Christians have ecclesial faith.They contradicted  Vatican Council II (AG 7), the Catechismn of the Catholic Church(846), the dogma extra ecclesiam nullsa salus and other magisterial texts.

It is because the popes are using Cushingism that Catholics have gone into sedevacantism and traditionalists  are rejecting Vatican Council II.

While liberals are rejecting the Traditional Latin Mass, since it precedes the 1940's , and does not carry  the irrational Cushing virus.

Cushingism lends itself to the Masonic view of all religions being equal and the agenda to change all Church doctrine.

If magisterial documents  are interpreted without Cushingism (visible exceptions) and instead with Feeneyism ( no visible exceptions to the dogma on salvation) then Vatican Council II is traditional on other religions and ecumenism.Vatican Council II becomes a break with the political Left.

 With Feeneyism Vatican Council II would be in accord with the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Diocese of Worcester,USA and the sedevacantists Most Holy Family Monastery, N.Y,USA.

Vatican Council II is neutral.It seems non traditional when the false premise of the visible-dead is used in its interpretation by Michael Voris at Church MilitantTV, Robert Sungenis,Dr.John Rao and the Roman Theological Forum, Fr.Brian Harrison and theological journal he writes for,the Society of St.Pius X,FSSP and so many other conservative and traditionalist Catholics.

Catholics need to identify Cushingism and not just blame Vatican Council II in general. They also need to analyse magisterial documents using Feeneyism. This could be helpful for Pope Francis who may not want to discard a dogma of the Church once he is aware of the widespread error being used to displace it.He is presently using Cushingism  and may not be aware of it.
-Lionel Andrades


  1. From The Telegraph:

    Pope Francis: "God forgives those who obey their conscience,"

    MORE BABEL !!!!!!!!

    "The unprecedented gesture came as his incoming number two, the Vatican's newly-nominated secretary of state, said that the rule that priests should be celibate was not "a dogma of the Church" and could be open for discussion.

    Francis, who has won praise for spontaneous and unusual moves during his six month papacy, wrote a lengthy letter to a newspaper, La Repubblica, which the Italian daily printed over four pages, including page one, under the simple byline "Francesco".

    "God forgives those who obey their conscience," he wrote in the unprecedented letter, the latest example of the markedly different tone and style from his predecessors that he has set since being elected in March.

    The 76-year-old pontiff was responding to editorials written in July and August by Eugenio Scalfari, an agnostic and the paper's founder, in which he was asked whether "the Christian God forgives those who do not believe and do not seek faith".

    Mr Scalfari said he had not expected the South American pope to respond "so extensively and so affectionately, with such fraternal spirit"

    As I fight against those who are on the verge of an abortion. Many will say that there conscience tells them that killing a child in the womb is not wrong.

