Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The question Bro. Peter addresses to Fr.Z is futile

Subject: Your Dishonesty
I must say that you are an outrageous liar. Francis’ statement clearly indicated that atheists can be saved. You are a heretical apostate who defends the heresies in Vatican II and the Counter Church. Those include the heresies that Protestants are in the Church, that false religions are to be esteemed, and more. Francis is a heretical antipope. You are not remotely Catholic, as you reject many dogmas of the faith. If you want to have a telephone debate about whether Francis is a Catholic or whether Vatican II is heretical, please let me know.
Bro. Peter Dimond
Bro.Peter Dimond interprets Vatican Council II with Cushingism which indicates that there are known exceptions to the Catholic Church's teachings on faith and morals. Example : the baptism of desire is visible and known to us in present times and so is a known exception to the literal and traditional teaching which says all need to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation.
 Bro.Peter Dimond is critical of Pope Francis's statement which indicates that atheists can be saved.It must be remembered that Pope Francis is a Jesuit and in general they use Cushingism. They opposed Fr.Leonard Feeney in Boston with this irrationality. They assumed that a possibility known to God is an actuality in the present times and so Fr.Leonard Feeney was wrong.
So for them there are known exceptions to the traditonal Catholic teaching on atheism which states, atheists are oriented to Hell unless they find faith in the Catholic Church.
Both Fr.John Zuhlsdorf and the pope could be referring to this possibility, accepted in principle and with no cases known to us of an atheist being saved be a Merciful God.
The pope true to his Jesuit formation then goes one step further and assumes that there are defacto, known cases. He knows of a particular case. He could see some such case in Heaven and then builds a new theology upon this irrationality. He creates a new doctrine which is a scandal.
Perhaps he is doing so  innocently since the Pope, Fr.Zuhlsdorf and the Bro.Peter Dimond are unaware of the Cushing interpretation which has pervaded the whole church,  possibly like the Arian heresy did in times past.Even Catholic encylopedias carry this factual error.
So the question Bro. Peter addresses to Fr.Z is futile and they will go through the usual merry go round of intellectual speculation over a non issue and an irrationality.
-Lionel Andrades

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