Saturday, September 14, 2013

United Kingdom: Ofcom Punishes a Muslim TV Channel

United Kingdom: Ofcom Punishes a Muslim TV Channel

Allama Muhammed Farooq Nizami.
According to the information published by the English press on August 21, the British media control agency Ofcom recently condemned the TV channel Noor TV to an 85,000 sterling pound fine (about 100,000 euros) for “inciting violence”.
In May 2012, TV host Allama Muhammed Farooq Nizami was questioned on the phone by a viewer, who asked him: “What should happen to someone who does not respect the Prophet?” The answer was: “There is no doubt in this matter that the punishment for someone who shows a lack of respect for the Prophet is death.” Then, directly addressing the camera, he stated: “We are ready, and should be ready, at all times, to kill a blasphemer.” Ofcom judged that Noor TV had violated the radio-broadcasting rules by propagating “material that could incite violence.” The channel, that broadcasts in English but also in Urdu and Punjabi, two languages spoken mainly in India, is still on the antenna. Although the host was dismissed, the direction of the media online has never publicly condemned his statements, nor offered an apology to viewers. On the presentation page of its website, one can read that the channel wishes “to spread love, peace and harmony all around the globe.”
(sources: apic/ – DICI#281, Sept. 13, 2013)

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