Thursday, September 19, 2013

Vatican Council II indicates Muslims need conversion is a point missed out by Michael Voris and Pat Archbold

Here is another video in which Michael Voris, this time with Patrick Archbold assumes that Vatican Council II has changed the Church's old teaching on other religions.Vatican Council II abrogated it. It is pre-Vatican Council II stuff.
(15:31) A priest mentions that the Catholic Church has changed the old teaching on other religions with Vatican Council II and so now it is accepted that all religions are equal paths to salvation.Patrick Archbold   just accepts a priest saying this. Archibold did not ask the the priest to cite the precise text for this big change. He did not ask the priest to explain where does Vatican Council II make this statement.
Assuming he did ask the priest, who said salvation is there in all religions, the priest  would simply cite Lumen Gentium 16 which indicates a non Catholic can be saved with a good conscience or in invincible ignorance, or Lumen Gentium 8, which says there can be elements of sanctification and grace in other religions etc and both Michael Voris and Patrick Archbald would accept this.
Since like that priest they too interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism and are not aware that LG 14 and AG 7 support the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Also LG 14 and AG 7 do not mention any exceptions to the dogma on salvation. Neither are LG 16 and LG 8 known or unknown exceptions to the thrice defined dogma or to Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation.
Archbold says (19:37) he would greet a Jew with Happy Hanukkah and at the end of the say say "Hey do you know about Jesus?". Again- it is  Jesus without outside the church there is no salvation!
Cushingism is assuming that there are known exceptions to the traditional teaching on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Feeneyism is assuming that there are no known exceptions.So Vatican Council II can be interpreted with either.
Liberals use Cushingism which is irrational. For them we can see or know  exceptions to the traditional teaching on salvation in other words, we are able to see and meet the deceased  in Heaven, those saved with the baptism of desire etc.Since we can see and meet them in real life they are exceptions to the teaching on all needing to convert into the Church for salvation.This irrationality goes unchecked by Voris and Archbold.
Vatican Council II (LG 14,AG 79 interpreted with Feeneyism indicates Islam is not a path to salvation. Muslims need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water (AG 7)for salvation (to go to Heaven and avoid Hell). They need to enter the Church 'as through a door'(AG 7,CCC 846).
So Michael Voris and Pat Archbold need to say that Vatican Council II says Muslims need to convert for salvation.This is the official teaching of the Catholic Church, according to Magisterial documents (CCC 846,Dominus Iesus 20 etc) irrespect if the Holy Mass is the Tridentine Latin Mass(14:17) or in the vernacular.
It is possible for a Muslim to be saved as a possibility known only to God however this case would not be an exception, known or unknown, inreal life.Since there are no such cases known to us in 2013 there are no known exceptions to the dogma on salvation - and Vatican Council II does not mention any. 
-Lionel Andrades

1 comment:

  1. Post Title:

    Vatican Council II indicates Muslims need conversion is a point missed out by Michael Voris and Pat Archbold.


    Yes this is true but so does the Pope and most of the heirarcy, clergy and laity miss the point and thus the crisis of faith.


    George Brenner
