Friday, October 25, 2013

Archbishop Muller contradicts Pope Francis' alleged statement to La Reppublica on conscience

It is frequently suggested that remarried divorcees should be allowed to decide for themselves, according to their conscience, whether or not to present themselves for holy communion.  This argument, based on a problematical concept of “conscience”, was rejected by a document of the CDF in 1994.  Naturally, the faithful must consider every time they attend Mass whether it is possible to receive communion, and a grave unconfessed sin would always be an impediment.  At the same time they have the duty to form their conscience and to align it with the truth.  In so doing they listen also to the Church’s Magisterium, which helps them “not to swerve from the truth about the good of man, but rather, especially in more difficult questions, to attain the truth with certainty and to abide in it” (Veritatis Splendor, 64).  -Archbishop Gerhard Muller, Prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,Vatican.
Dolan confirms error in Scalfari interview

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