Wednesday, October 23, 2013

CDF would be telling a falsehood,if it continued to promote Cushingism

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), Vatican would be promoting a falsehood , a lie, if it continued to promote Cushingism.Since Cushingism is not rational and the CDF cannot pretend to know the dead who are saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire.
The CDF needs to clarify that we cannot know the dead- saved and Cushingism cannot be used as an interpretation of Vatican Council II as it is beng done today on a grand scale.
 lies photo: no lies _.jpg
Cushingism is an objective, factual error and corrections need to be made in two theological papers of the International Theological Commission, Vatican.The error can be read on line.
CDF, please do not suggest that the lie of Cushingism is a doctrine of the Catholic Church.No magisterial document claims that we can see the dead or that there are known exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Also when the secular media fault the SSPX for not accepting Vatican Council II , the CDF must  clarify that Vatican Council II can be interpreted according to Feeneyism too, which is rational, while Cushingism is not.
Also the errors in the Catholic encyclopedias need to be brought to the attention of Catholics and people in general.LG 16 (invincible ignorance) is generally considered by the encylopedias and the media to be a known exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.So Vatican Council II is projected as a break with the past.
When the CDF is silent on this is issue it is allowing Catholics to believe in a falsehood. This is contrary to the Ten Commandments and Catholic moral teaching.
-Lionel Andrades

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