Thursday, October 17, 2013

Propaganda on SSPX and Vatican Council II : Priebke attended Sunday Mass

There are reports which mention  'a funeral Mass celebrated by a splinter Catholic group opposed to Vatican outreach to Jews,' for Erich Priebke.This is the usual propaganda and hate directed by the left against the Society of St.Pius X(SSPX).
The SSPX has clarified often that they do not hate Jews but their opponents are referring to 'a political hate' legalised by them and expressed in intolerant leftist laws.
On the contrary Vatican Council II supports the SSPX when it indicates Jews and other non Catholics need 'faith and baptism' for salvation (AG 7) and they all need to enter the Catholic Church, visibly, 'as through a door' (AG 7, CCC 846).
Funerals in Italy have become political. The Cardinal Bagnasco, the President of the Italian Catholic Bishop's Conference  had to offer a funeral Mass  for an Italian Communist priest, who rejected the teachings of the Catholic Church in public.He was supported by the Communist party in Italy whose exponents were protesting the funeral given to Priebke, as if Catholic funerals and teachings are important for them.
Similarly the pro-abortion and pro Left new Mayor of Rome opposed the funeral for Erich Priebke as did the leading leftist rabbi of Rome , who welcomed the funeral of Cardinal Carlo Martini S.J.
The funeral for Cardinal Martini was approved by Pope Benedict XVI in as much he approved, that Jews do not have to convert in the present times, after there was a political and miliitary threat before him.
It's unfortunate that the leftist media still interprets Vatican Council II with Cushingism, assuming that there are known exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II to the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, which is opposed by many of the people who wanted Erich Priebke not to have a funeral Mass.

In a statement, the Society has said, it is reported, that  it agreed to perform the funeral at the family's request because "no matter what the guilt or sins" anyone who dies reconciled with God and the Church "has the right to celebrate Mass and a funeral".
-Lionel Andrades

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