Friday, October 18, 2013

SSPX agrees with Vatican Council II but Bishop Fellay does not know it

Bishop Bernard Fellay has said that the SSPX will never accept Vatican Council II. He does not realize that he already has accepted Vatican Council II if he holds the traditional teaching and does not interpret the Council with the Richard Cushing premise , as is being done  presently.
He is still unaware that the Council, like Archbishop Lefebvre's 'Hindu in Tibet saved in his religion',  can be interpreted with Cushingism or Feeneyism.He can assume there are visible and known  exceptions to Tradition or there are not. We can see the dead-saved in invincible invincible ignorance (LG 16) etc or we cannot. Based on a a simple , irrational premise there is a hermeneutic of continuity or one of  rupture. The Council is ambiguous or not ambiguous.It  depends on  the false premise.
 So when Bishop Fellay says that he  will not accept Vatican Council II , it is becasue he is not aware that he is using the Cushing version of the Council ,with the irrational premise.
Vatican Council II is traditional without the ambiguity of the SSPX, Cardinal Walter Kaspar, Bishop Athanasius Schneider etc.

 There is  no one to tell Bishop Fellay that he has made an objective error. Since Fr.J.M Gleize, the SSPX's top theologian  and a professor of Ecclesiology at Econe, Switzerland  also makes the same error. He refers to a ' via eccezionale'(exceptional way) in his book for which the preface was written by Bishop Fellay. They assume that there are known exceptions so there is an exceptional way of salvation to the baptism of  water and Catholic Faith needed for salvation.
Probably by now most of the SSPX priests in Italy know  what I am saying and agree with me but they do not want to contradict Bishop Fellay.

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