Monday, October 28, 2013

The original error of Cardinal Richard Cushing and the Jesuits in Boston still on the MHFM website

Even if someone died with the baptism of desire it would not be a known exception to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
On the Most Holy Family Monaster website it can be seen that they still assume that the baptism of desire is visible to us in the present times and so is an exception to outside the church there is no salvation.
This was the original error of Cardinal Richard Cushing and the Jesuits in Boston.-L.A
from the website of the Most Holy Family Monastery
I have listened to your current video on BOD Buried and I found it very enlightening and informative, I believe everything you have stated in this video and it has convinced me that there is no such thing as BOD. I have one question relating to it though. I had spoken with a priest about BOD and he believes in it and uses as his defense the fact that the Catholic Church has always allowed masses to be said for Catechumen's who are unbaptized…
MHFM: The priest's statement is false. This issue is covered in our salvation book. We recommend that people interested in the details on the salvation issue obtain and read it. As covered in the book, the ancient Church forbade prayer and sacrifice for the unbaptized, including unbaptized catechumens.
“A certain statement in the funeral oration of St. Ambrose over the Emperor Valentinian II has been brought forward as a proof that the Church offered sacrifices and prayers for catechumens who died before baptism. There is not a vestige of such a custom to be found anywhereThe practice of the Church is more correctly shown in the canon (xvii) of the Second Council of Braga (572 AD): ‘Neither the commemoration of Sacrifice [oblationis] nor the service of chanting [psallendi] is to be employed for catechumens who have died without baptism.’”
As we see, no catechumen who died without the Sacrament of Baptism received prayer, sacrifice or Christian burial. Pope St. Leo the Great and Pope St. Gelasius had earlier confirmed the same Church discipline – which was the universal practice – forbidding Catholics to pray for unbaptized catechumens who had died. That's the traditional practice. The fallible 1917 Code of Canon Law (which was promulgated approximately one generation before the complete apostasy at Vatican II) contained a different law, which was a departure from Tradition.

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