Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Two possibilities


I was talking to a priest and pointed out to him a person walking before us. This person, a non Catholic,  I mentioned,  could be saved or not saved. There are two possibilities in theory. We personally do not know,  we cannot see his soul. We cannot judge his soul and do not know if in future he will be saved or not.The priest agreed. There are just two possibilities in theory. He will be saved or not saved.
Also we cannot judge if this person before us in invincible ignorance or to be saved with the baptism of desire. We cannot say that any person is in this condition.Only God knows if this man would be saved in invincible ignorance, imperfect communion with the Church, seeds of the Word etc.
The Church however tells us that all need 'faith and baptism' for salvation (AG 7,Vatican Council II). So the non Catholic before us is going to Hell according to Vatican Council II  and the Catechism of the Catholic Church 846.
So there are always two possibilities in theory.In reality there is only one possibility. The non Catholic before us is going to Hell unless he converts into the Church.
If he is an 'exception' it would be known only to God.The two of us there could not say that he is an exception. The two of us could say that the one true Church, the only Church of Jesus Christ indicates that that man is going to Hell. We only know that the general way, the norm to go to Heaven is Catholic Faith with the baptism of water.This is the de fide teaching.(Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441).
So the man before us is oriented to Hell.
-Lionel Andrades

1 comment:

  1. Lionel said: If he is an 'exception' it would be known only to God. The two of us there could not say that he is an exception.....

    George: I never much cared for the word 'exception' used at any level whether it be on earth or in Heaven. There are no exceptions on Earth or in Heaven. If through God's mercy someone is saved it is clearly because they deserve salvation as determined by God and leave the word exception out of any discussions whether mortal or eternal. The word 'exception ' only tarnishes the discussion of absolutely No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church and its necessity to be taught to all humans.


    George Brenner
