Monday, November 18, 2013

Blasphemy Laws favour one theological school of thought

Blasphemy Laws in some Muslims countries favour one school of Muslim religious thought and exclude those of other Muslims. The laws are sectarian and support one ideology.It is  based on one theological school of thought.They interpret Mohammad and Allah according to the predominant Muslim sect.
The laws are based on one interpretation of the Quran and it is applied for all Muslims, including Ahmediyyas. It is also enforced on non-Muslims.
If an Ahmediyya went to pray in a mosque  there could be a misunderstanding. There could be tension.Since the Islamic laws could consider the belief of the Ahmediyya as blasphemy.
Even in Italy if an Ahmediya went to one of the many mosques here some Muslims would not be open to it.In Italy they have been granted landed for a mosque according to a report.
There is no known Catholic- Muslim inter religious dialogue in which the Ahmediyyas are also represented. 
Many of the prominent Muslims participating in inter faith metings in Rome approve of the Blasphemy Laws directed against the Ahmediyyas, Christians and others.There is no known  disapproval of these laws or the demand that they be applied only to the sect on whose school of thought the laws have been created.
Even those who support secularism, and the Left in Italy  will approve of these laws based on one theological school of thought and  which reject the religious beliefs of other Muslims.
-Lionel Andrades
The third member of a family was target-killed due to difference of faith
Friday Sermon: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Italy

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