Saturday, November 2, 2013

For political reasons SSPX priests are silent

For political reasons SSPX priests are saying Vatican Council II contradicts the traditional teaching on other religions and ecumenism.Personally they know that the Council doctrinally is traditional on these two subjects.

The SSPX priests do not want to oppose Econe.They  want to be obedient to their superiors.

This is a subject which also makes the priests of the SSPX-SO uncomfortable.

They know that the Council in itself is not irrational unless an irrational premise is used in the interpretation.

On the other side there are also liberals who know the truth about Vatican Council II but for ideological reasons do not want to bring the truth out in the open.
There are priests who offer Holy Mass in the vernacular who know that Vatican Council II is doctrinally not ambiguous on other religions and ecumenism.For political reasons they too do not want to talk about it.
SSPX priests in Rome are not comfortable when discussing this subject. They would like to end the conversation quickly. They do not reply to e-mails on this subject. They do not even want to acknowledge having received an e-mail.

Then there are SSPX priests who may be saying to themself."How can we tell all these hundreds of Catholics who attend our churches that we were wrong about Vatican Council II with regard to other religions and Christian communities and churches?"

"How can we say now that Vatican Council II does not contradict the traditional teaching?"

"How can we say that we were using a modernist interpretation of Vatican Council II and we did not know about it?

We can agree that there are no known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus mentioned in Vatican Council II but how can we say that Vatican Council II does not contradict extra eccelesiam nulla salus, even if it does not?
-Lionel Andrades

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