Monday, November 4, 2013

Lineamenta for the Synod on the Family 2014 will carry the same error as the Lineamenta for the New Evangelisation

The Synod on the Family  for next October 2014 will carry the same error as that of 13th Synod of Bishops for the New Evangelisation. It will be the official heresy.
The Lineamenta for the Synod, preparatory document,  will be similar to the Lineamenta for the New Evangelisation which had a doctrinal mistake.It omitted the necessity of the Church for salvation , in which all need 'to enter as through a door', with ' faith and baptism' (AG 7,CCC 846).Instead one  vaguely has to believe in Jesus without the Catholic Church to be saved, possibily as a Luteran, Pentecostal, Jehovah's Witness etc.
The two Lineamentas will carry this ommission since the Pope and bishops assume there are known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus( as if they can name them ) and that Vatican Council II names these exceptions.
This  same error is to be applied to the Lineamenta for the Synod on the Family in which the Synod, at the outset has rejected the defined dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Vatican Council II (AG 7,LG 14) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (845,846) all on the same subject.
 Family and Archbishop Nichols on sofa
Since the dogma has been discarded and it is assumed there are known exceptions in other religions and cultures, the type of questions asked of the bishops for the 2014 Synod , suggest that the Catholic Church's teachings on morals also are to be discarded, as on the faith issue (salvation).If outside the church there is visible salvation, the bishops must have reasoned, then one can be saved following Protestant spirituality and theology.For them one could also be saved as an Orthodox Christian, whose churches teach that there is no salvation, for those who are Roman Catholics or others in non Orthodox Christian churches.
The Synod is expected to be based on the teachings of Cardinal Carlo Martini S.J, whom the pope admires,and who rejected the Church's teachings on salvation.Inspite of his heretical position he was never excommunicated and was allowed to offer Mass.He was allowed a funeral.
Just like the Lineamenta for the New Evangelisation, Pope Francis has not said that an atheist needs Catholic Faith, with the Sacraments (AG 7) for salvation. Though it is possible, hypothetically that an atheist can be saved in a way known to God, in general atheists need to enter the Church for salvation.A possibility is not a reality. A possibility could also mean that there was no such cases in the last 100 years or more.
All in 2013 , every one, needs to enter the Church for salvation and there are no known exceptions, among atheists or others. The pope did not tell Eugenio Scalfari , the former editor of the anti Catholic newspaper La Reppublica, that he was oriented to Hell, according to the teachings of the Catholic Church(the Bible, Tradition and past popes).
 dialogo tra credenti e no...
The pope's interview with Scalfari is  now available   as a paperback in Italian at the media outlets here. There is no denial from the Vatican to Scalfari's understanding of what the the pope said on 'conscience'.
Bishop Bernard Fellay has called Pope Francis a modernist and cited the remark on conscience.Pope Francis is denying the traditional teaching on salvation (John 3:5, Mk.16:16) and his very own statement last May, when he said Jesus could not  be found outside the Church.
-Lionel Andrades

SSPX did not protest at the error in the Lineamenta for the New Evangelisation -for obvious reasons

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