Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Muslims for peace in Rome

There are Muslims who believe in the prophet Mohammd but do not believe he is the last prophet of God.Since they demonstrate this belief in public and still claim they are Muslims they are imprisoned in countries in which the Arab colonial culture had been imposed on the local population.Mirzaities(Qadianis) are in many jails under the Islamic blasphemy laws.
They also call themself Ahmediyyas and have won court cases which give them the right to call themself Muslim.
In Rome I found one of their pamphlets at Termini. I have just found one of their websites.They project Islam as a religion of peace.
Muslims For PeaceMuslims (Wahabis, Sunnis) do not approve of the Ahmediyas demonstrating the First Kalma which says 'there is no God but Allah and Mohammad(PBUH) is the prophet of Allah'.
The Ahmediyas who have exhibited the First Kalma prominently have been persecuted by fellow Muslims.
Politically in countries with dominant Muslims populations the Ahmediyas are considered minorities, and non Muslims.They have an above average literacy rate as compared to the rest of the Muslim polulations. They are also missionaries on the streets, inviting other Muslims to join them .
There is a special Muslim(Sunni) organisation formed to counter the work of the Ahmediyyas in Muslim countries
-Lionel Andrades

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