Thursday, November 7, 2013


Medugorje is being opposed by traditionalists and misunderstood by liberals because of a message received by Vicka, one of the visionaries, who said that most people go to Heaven and all people are loved by Our Lady.
For them Our Lady at Medugorje is contradicting the traditional teaching on salvation, other religions and Christian communities.
I think Our Lady at Medugorje is 'in step with the Church', she is in in step with the Magisterium which assumes there are known exceptions to the traditional teaching on salvation and other religions. The Vatican Curia is using a false premise in the interpretation of magisterial texts including the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 , Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
The traditionalists themself, the whole spectrum, are making the same error as the magisterium with the use of the irrational premise of being able to see the dead who are supposedly known exceptions to the traditional teaching on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.So for them Vatican Council II is a break with the past.
The  Franciscan Spiritual Directors of the visionaries are politically  correct with the magisterium. A Medugorje spokesman has said that there was no message to the seer Marija, asking her to read The Poem of the Man God by Maria Valtorta, to learn of the infancy of the Blessed Mother.
So Medugorje is now politically correct and  doctrinally secure according to the Franciscans at Medugorje, for an approval by Pope Francis, who also interprets the Council with the false premise.
If over the last 30 years  Our Lady did affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus it would not have been made public. If it was made public Cardinal Schonborn would not invite the Medugorje visionaries to Austria.Nor would Cardinal Bergoglio have welcomed them in Buenos Aires.Since it would be contrary to Jesuit theology which he was teaching there.
The apparitions would have been ended by the Vatican and the seers would have been considered traditionalists etc who reject Vatican Council II (Cushingism version).
It would have been the end of Our Lady's magnificent pastoral work in Medugorje with the emphasis on love and peace, the call for prayers and the knowledge of Hell and souls being lost for all eternity.
-Lionel Andrades


1 comment:


    ...God bless :-)
