Wednesday, November 6, 2013


The Papal Nuncio was following a 1991 directive. A few years back official pilgrimages to Medugoje were stopped by the Vicariate in Rome and photographs and paintings associated with Medugorje were removed from  Rome's churches.
The church still permits unofficial pilgrimages to Medugorje and has not condemned the apparitions which have had great pastoral value.
Personally, I believe Our Lady is appearing at Medugorje,  the location surrounding the church,  in a special way, irrespective of the visionaries. Pilgrims are still welcome to attend  Holy Mass at St.James Church and do the Stations of the Cross at Mt. Krizevac.
-Lionel Andrades


  1. This has been the official position of the Papal Nuncio for a very long time in regards to not having Medjugjore gatherings. There has been wide spread disobedience and a crowd/mob rule vigor for that which has been forbidden. Medjugorje is not only not worthy of belief but has done great damage to the faith. Can one even imagine Medjugorje being like some long running musical like the 'King and I' with visions that are concocted and supposed quotations of our Blessed Mother which are lacking a true heavenly message. The use of earthy verbage as the supposed words of Our Lady that is contradictory to logic is a diabolical shame !

  2. This has been the official position of the Papal Nuncio for a very long time in regards to not having Medjugjore gatherings.
    The Church has said that the visionaries are not to have the apparitions within the Church.

    Catholics can still go on private pilgrimages to Medugorje. The Church has not condemned the apparitions.

    Medjugorje is not only not worthy of belief but has done great damage to the faith.

    What about traditionalists, the whole spectrum,who suggest we can see the dead saved in invincible ignorance, who are known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ?

    Has there been a clarification from the traditional groups critical of Medugorje?

    with visions that are concocted and supposed quotations of our Blessed Mother which are lacking a true heavenly message.

    The Church has still to say the above.

  3. Lionel my friend I think that you are playing loose with your words in trying not to be obedient to the following. Do you really believe that there are people who subscribe to the authenticity of Medjugjorje that are not part putting themselves into a postion of attending or supporting meetings, conferences or public celebrations during which the credibility of such "apparitions" would be taken for granted." ...and are forbidden by Bishops as worthy of such actions?
    As you posted Lionel:

    From the Vatican Warns U.S. Bishops on Medjugorje October 23,2013

    "As you are well aware, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is in the process of investigating certain doctrinal and disciplinary aspects of the phenomenon of Medjogurje. For this reason, the Congregation has affirmed that, with regard to the credibility of the "apparitions" in question, ALL (my emphasis) should accept the declaration, dated 10 April 1991, from the Bishops of the former Republic of Yugoslavia, which asserts: "On the basis of the research that has been done, it is not possible to state that there were apparitions of supernatural revelations." It follows, therefore, that clerics and the faithful are not permitted to participate in meetings, conferences or public celebrations during which the credibility of such "apparitions" would be taken for granted."

    And as so clearly stated by Mundabor on Ars Orandi:

    "It must be clear to every sensible Catholic that no alleged apparition can ever authorise disobedience, and that the Blessed Virgin would never ever suggest disobedience to the Church. Therefore, when the bishop (well, two bishops, really) says that there is nothing supernatural happening in Medjugorje, that’s that. To say that one wants to wait for the Pope is already disobedience; there is no need for the Pope because the cleric responsible for the verdict on apparitions is not the Pope, but the bishop. “Oh, but the Pope could reverse the decision”. Well I am sorry to say that, but you’ll have to wait and hope, and obey in the meantime. "
    So you see Lionel, obey in the meantime!

    .....and as far as Salvation Outside the Catholic Church I can only answer your question so many times.
    All people must convert to the Catholic Church and all people must be taught this without exception and there are not any visible examples of someone being saved outside the Catholic Church which the son of God, Jesus founded and expects compliance. And no we should never teach that someone might hope to be saved outside the one true Ark of Salvation. Thank God for Father Feeney.

    Your friend,



  4. Lionel my friend I think that you are playing loose with your words in trying not to be obedient to the following. Do you really believe that there are people who subscribe to the authenticity of Medjugjorje that are not part putting themselves into a postion of attending or supporting meetings, conferences or public celebrations during which the credibility of such "apparitions" would be taken for granted." ...and are forbidden by Bishops as worthy of such actions?

    The Yugoslav Commission did not condemn the apparitions and the Church's position has been that private pilgrimages to Medugorhe are permitted.

    Then Pope Benedict XVI formed another Commission to study Medugorje under Cardinal Ruini.
    That Commission has still not announced its decision.

    The Papal Nuncio is saying that there are to be no apparitions in Churches in the USA. Since it could mislead Catholics into believing that the apparitions have been approved, when a decision is still awaited.

    What abput the old problem:-
    What about traditionalists, the whole spectrum,who suggest we can see the dead saved in invincible ignorance, who are known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ?

  5. And as so clearly stated by Mundabor on Ars Orandi:

    "It must be clear to every sensible Catholic that no alleged apparition can ever authorise disobedience, and that the Blessed Virgin would never ever suggest disobedience to the Church. Therefore, when the bishop (well, two bishops, really) says that there is nothing supernatural happening in Medjugorje, that’s that. To say that one wants to wait for the Pope is already disobedience; there is no need for the Pope because the cleric responsible for the verdict on apparitions is not the Pope, but the bishop. “Oh, but the Pope could reverse the decision”. Well I am sorry to say that, but you’ll have to wait and hope, and obey in the meantime. "
    So you see Lionel, obey in the meantime!


    I am obeying. I had no plans to invite the seers.
    I have not been on a pilgrimage to Medugorje since the time I am in Rome.
    I personally believe that Our Lady is appearing at Medugorje, the location, the area, in a special way.
    The Church has not issued an official declaration on this issue and is still investigating it.
    In the meantime the Church has not said that there should be no pilgrimages to the the church ofr St.James in Medugorje or do the Stations of the Cross on Mt. Krizevac.

    Regarding the second issue, when are the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart, the SSPX and other traditionalists formerly say that there are no visible exceptions in 2013 to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus?
