Monday, November 25, 2013

Pope omits doctrine which is the basis for religious liberty

Pope Francis spoke on the necessity of believing in Jesus for salvation. He did not mention the necessity of the Catholic Church.He did not mention the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, which St.Ignatius of Loyola affirmed, and which is supported by Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.The dogma is also the basis for the Catholic Church's understanding of religious liberty and other religions. Other religions are free in a secular state (DH) to follow their religion but for a Catholic, they have a moral obligation to enter the Church, since outside the church there is no salvation(CCC 846).

The Pope and present day Jesuits make the common error. They  assume those who are saved in their religion by Jesus and the Church(CCC 846), are visible to us and so they are known exceptions to the traditional teaching on salvation.
If you would ask a Jesuit,"Why do you no more say like St.Ignatius of Loyola that every one needs to be a visible member of Holy Mother Hierarchical  Church ?",he could answer,"since we now know there are exceptions."
What does he mean?
He means there are non Catholics (for him) who can be saved in invincible ignorance etc (agreed!) and ( now comes the irrationality!  ) they are known to us in 2013 , we can name them.So they are exceptions to St.Francis Xavier and St.Ignatious of Loyola's understanding of salvation.
So for Pope Francis and the Jesuits CCC 846(Outside the Church no salvation) would contradict itself.
It is a contradiction  for the Pope since CCC 846  says for him, all need to enter the church as through a door, all need faith and baptism and it also says some do not need to do so in the present times.Irrational!It is based on this irrationalty that Pope Francis yesterday omitted the traditional doctrine/dogma on salvation.He also gave us the new doctrine of the Jesuits. This is the doctrine of visible to us salvation.Perhaps this is all unknown to him.It just was part of his formation as a Jesuit.
Christ must be King of the universe and all social and political legislation since outside the church there is no salvation, known or unknown.This was Pope Francis' message last May, when he said outside the Church we cannot find Jesus. He cited St.Ignatius of Loyola and Pope Paul VI. 
So yesterday he could have said that there is salvation in only Jesus and within the Catholic Church.All need to convert into the Church visibly for this salvation(Dominis Iesus 20, Redemptoris Missio 55, AG 7,LG 14, CCC 845,846).-Lionel Andrades

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