Friday, January 24, 2014

Archbishop Muller are most of the religious communities in the diocese of Worcester also in schism?

The liturgical issues can be, in fact were already to a great extent, solved with the stroke of a pen. Sure some study went into Summorum Pontificum, but before it was really just a signature that was lacking. The lifting of the excommunications was preceded by some study and reflection, but it was in the end a signature or two that completed the act. Regularizing the canonical state of the bishops and priests of the SSPX, or the Society itself, is a matter of a stroke of a pen. It’ll take some planning, of course, but the actual acts will be simple. Hammering out the theological difficulties to the point where there can be some sort of Protocol will take some elbow grease on both sides, but in the end it will be a matter of signing something and then moving on.-Fr.John Zuhlsdorf (ephasis added)
From Rasha Lampa's Extra Excclesiam Nulla Salus Link List
Abp. Müller: “The canonical excommunication of the bishops for their illegal ordinations was revoked, but a de facto sacramental excommunication remains for their schism...'
Bishop Bernard Fellay has said that the SSPX accepts Vatican Council II as a historical fact, they also accept 90 % of the Council. The difference is over the issues of other religions, ecumenism and religious liberty.
 In the Catholic diocese of Worcester,USA most of the religious communities of men and women accept Vatican Council II as a historical reality but reject the Council's teachings on other religions and ecumenism. They claim that the dead in Heaven are visible on earth and so are exceptions to Ad Gentes 7 which says all need 'faith and baptism' for salvation. For these communities with full canonical status in Worcester, the Christian communities and churches do not need Catholic Faith (AG 7) for salvation.
This is a doctrinal rejection of Vatican Council II (AG 7) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (845,846).
Using Archbishop Muller's standard for the SSPX, the religious communities in Worcester are in defacto schism. They interpret Vatican Council II as a break with the past. It is a break with the Nicene Creed, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors. They are supported by the Vatican and are not considered to be in doctrinal error.
Abp.Muller : "But they too must change their attitude, accept the conditions of the Catholic Church, and the Supreme Pontiff as the definitive criterion for membership.”
How can the SSPX be forced to accept an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council which is a new doctrine. All salvation mentioned in the  Council is not visible but invisible for us!
It has never been a doctrinal teaching of the Catholic Church that the dead saved in Heaven are visible exceptions to traditional teaching and to Vatican Council II itself.
Archbishop Muller can correct this doctrinal error in the Diocese of Worcester with a stroke of the pen.
He can announce that those saved in invincible ignorance(LG 16), elements of sanctification and truth(LG 8) seeds of the Word(AG 11), good and holy things in other religions (NA 2), imperfect communion with the Church(UR 3) are implicit and invisible for us.They are explicit and visible only for God.
This would correct the doctrinal error being made by the Religious Communities in Worcester.
It would mean that Vatican Council II would be traditional on the issue of other religions and Christian communities. This would be sound doctrine.It would be welcomed by all who seek a reconciliation with the SSPX and the sedevacantist communities.
Abp.Muller : “No compromise is possible on the level of the Catholic faith, in particular as it was correctly formulated by the Second Vatican Council."
Vatican Council II no where says that LG 16 (invincible ignorance) is an exception to Ad Gentes 7( all need faith and baptism).The Council does not say that LG 16 is an exception. This is irrationality. It is a faith compromised.Most of the encylopedias and media reports say LG 16 is a known exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. This is irrational and a faith compromised.
Abp.Muller : "Vatican II is not in contradiction with the whole of the Church’s tradition; strictly speaking it is opposed to certain erroneous interpretations of the Catholic faith."
When Archbishop Muller mentions Vatican Council II  is he referring to LG 16, LG 8, AG 11, NA 2, UR 3 and AG 11 as being implicit or explicit ? Are these cases for him invisible or visible, de jure or defacto, hypothetical or in reality, accepted in theory or known in practise. He does not qualify his terms. For me these are references to implicit, hypothetical cases. For the bishop and religious communities in Worcester these are references to explicit, visible cases.
Abp.Muller: "We cannot negotiate the Catholic faith."
A Catholic faith in which LG 16 is implicit or explicit? This is a doctrinal error in the Diocese of Worcester which needs to be addressed.It is a doctrinal error made by Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.J , Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in two theological papers of the International Theological Commission. The faith-compromised with irrationality can be read on line on the ITC website.
The Catholic religious communities in Worcester must be asked to meet the same standards set for the SSPX.
I personally accept Vatican Council II in which all salvation mentioned is implicit and not explicit. So they are not exceptions to the traditional teaching on other religions and Christian communities.
Since there are is no known salvation outside the Catholic Church; no visible case, I reject the theology of religions and new ecclesiology held by the religious communities in Worcester.
So I accept Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church along with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, as it was interpreted for centuries.The doctrinal teachings of the Catholic Church on other religions and ecumenism is the same before and after Vatican Council II.
For the religious communities in Worcester it has changed since implicit salvation always refers to explicit exceptions for them.
-Lionel Andrades

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