Thursday, January 16, 2014

Rabbi Skorka to present the Jewish Left pitch on Nostra Aetate today at the Gregorian University

The liberal Rabbi Abraham Skorka is to speak today at the Gregorian Pontifical University Rome on The Jewish-Catholic Dialogue Fifty Years after Nostra Aetate- A Latin American Perspective'. He has been invited by the university's Jewish Left Cardinal Bea Center for Judaic Studies.The meeting is to be chaired by Cardinal Kurt Koch,President of the Pontifical Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews,Vatican.
He is expected to praise Nostra Aetate with no reference to Ad Gentes 7 which indicates all non Catholics need 'faith and baptism' to go to Heaven. He has neither of the two.
As expected in all Vatican-Jewish left dialogue they will assume all salvation mentioned in Vatican Council II refer to defacto, known cases, visible to us, instead of hypothetical, possibilities accepted in principle, in faith  but never known visibly.
So there cannot be exceptions to the traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus or the Syllabus of Errors.They are irrelevant but the liberal rabbis will project them as relevant to change the teachings of the Catholic Church on other religions and ecumenism.He will blur the defacto-de jure distinctions and not clarify his terms in dialogue.
The Cardinal Bea Center which has invited  the liberal rabbi (whose program was disrupted at the Catholic cathedral in Buenos Aires by the SSPX, Argentina) uses the information and documentation of SIDIC, a pro- abortion Jewish Left group who was asked to leave by a former  Gregorian University  administration.The Cardinal Bea Center was founded by Cardinal Carlo Martini S.J when he was the Rector of the university.
The Catholic Church's traditional teaching on other religions and ecumenism has not been changed by Vatican Council II since Ad Gentes 7 has the same message as the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. There are no known exceptions in the present times to the teaching that all need to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation.Neither does Vatican Council II mention any exceptions.We don't know the name of any one saved outside the Church this year.
The secular media and the liberal rabbis claim there are exceptions to the dogma by assuming de jure, implicit cases are personally known to us in daily life.One can meet the dead!.Ghosts are exceptions! It is based on this irrationality that Vatican Council II could be a 'revolution' for Rabbi Skorka.
The rabbi may visit the new Department of the Theology of Religions, which is associated with the nominal Missiology Department of this Pontifical Jesuit university. The Department is headed by Fr.Brian Lobo S.J and the Rector is the pro-Dean.According to this department all religions are equal paths to salvation. The Catholic Church is just one of many religions. The Church is necessary for salvation. Belief in Jesus is not necessary for salvation. It is sufficient to believe in God. One can believe in only God the Father,for salavtion.Syncretism is not a sin. Rejecting the Nicene Creed, 'I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sin' is not a mortal sin. The baptism of water is optional. Since for the Catholic professors  there is known salvation outside the Church. They know of people saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire, this year in Rome.
This department rejects Vatican Council II (AG 7), the Catechism of the Catholic Church (845,846), Dominus Iesus 20, the dogma on exclusive salvation defined three times and the Nicene Creed.
In the Profession of Faith their understanding of 'the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church' is a break with Tradition.
This should please the visiting rabbi.
-Lionel Andrades

No known exceptions in Nostra Aetate to extra ecclesiam nulla salus

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