Saturday, January 11, 2014

Spiritual Exercises of St.Ignatius of Loyola

I have been away from the Internet , the newspapers and the telephone  for over a month (Nov.28,2013 to Jan 8,2014). There was plenty of time to pray.I had been using the meditations in the Spiritual Exercises of St.Ignatius of Loyola.There were the useful meditations on Hell and on mortal sin.
St.Ignatius of Loyola knew Hell just as did St.Teresa of Avila, St. Faustina Kowalski, Sr.Lucia at Fatima. Sr.Josepha Menendez and Dante Alighieri.
This is not the understanding of Hell and mortal sin as those of the Jesuits  who conduct the Spiritual Exercises in coordination with the Sisters at FIES (1).So I have always had to work on the Spiritual Exercises on my own. The sisters who represent the Italian  Federation for the Spiritual Exrecises (FIES)  do not do an examination of conscience  as is recommended by St.Ignatius. They use the common simple version.
On their website is an article by the Jesuit Cardinal Carlo Martini.(2)The cardinal rejected basic teachings of the Catholic Church; the dogma on salvation, mortal sin and the Eucharist.
I don't know how the Sisters and the Jesuits can still offer the Spiritual Exercises?
 The Society of St.Pius X (SSPX), Albano, Italy also make the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola available. I think they have St.Ignatius' understanding of Hell and mortal sin.
Meditating on Hell gives one perspective.This meditation of St.Ignatius should be included in prayers books.
-Lionel Andrades

Esercizi spirituali al Clero Romano - Sacrofano (RM), 15-19 novembre 2004

Meditazione 1 (ore 11.00 di lunedì 15 novembre)
Meditazione 2 (ore 17.30 di lunedì 15 novembre)

Meditazione 3 (ore 09.30 di martedì 16 novembre) 
Meditazione 4 (ore 17.30 martedì 16 novembre)
Conversazione 1 (ore 21.00 di martedì 16 novembre)
Omelia 1 (Santa Messa ore 11.45 di martedì 16 novembre)
Meditazione 5 (ore 09.30 di mercoledì 17 novembre)
Meditazione 6 (ore 11.00 di mercoledì 17 novembre)
Meditazione 7 (ore 09.30 di giovedì 18 novembre)
Meditazione 8 (ore 17.30 di giovedì 18 novembre)
Omelia 2 (Santa Messa ore 11.45 di giovedì 18 novembre)
Conversazione 2 (ore 21 di giovedì 18 novembre)
Meditazione 9 (ore 9.30 di venerdì 19 novembre)

Celebrazione   Eucaristica  Finale  con  S. Em.   Card.  Camillo  Ruini
(ore 11.45 di venerdì 19 novembre)

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