Friday, February 14, 2014

Cristina Siccardi and Prof. Roberto Mattei are making the same error

On Corrispondenza Romano, the weekly traditionalist news agency of Roberto Dei Mattei I inserted the word 'salvezza' in the search slot.The search brought out  this article by Cristina Siccardi which does not really mention salvation and the need for all to be members of the Catholic Church to go to Heaven.(1) This is a point on which Cristina Siccardi like Prof. Roberto dei Mattei are unable to say that Vatican Council II affirms extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Since for both of them all salvation mentioned in Vatican Council II (LG 16, UR 3 etc) is not hypothetical but defacto, known personally in the present times. So they are exceptions to Tradition.
There was no response from Cristina Siccardi to my e-mails to her mentioning a doctrinal error in her recent book being distributed by the SSPX, Italy.On p.133 of L'Inverno della Chiesa dopo il Concilio Vaticano II she has referred to outside the visible limits of the Church there being salvation (UR 3) .(2) Really ? Can she name any such person in 2014?
For her UR 3,Vatican Council II is a contradiction to the traditional teaching on salvation and other religions and Christian communities.In other words it is explict. These cases are visible to her. So they are exceptions in 2014 to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. She picked up this error from the book written by Fr. Jean Marie Gleaze, the ecclesiology professor of the SSPX, at their seminary in Switzerland.-Lionel Andrades

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