Tuesday, February 25, 2014

“Jesus is on the floor”


February 24, 2014 Posted by tantamergo 

A reader sent this video to me, and aside from the attempt – perhaps – to be overly cute by using a child with a severe lisp, this video conveys an extremely important truth. Communion in the Hand is not only an abuse which started under threat of schism from modernist elements in the Church, it is also a practice that routinely leads to profanation of the Blessed Sacrament in all manner of ways.
While this video tends to focus on accidental profanation, through the many particles of the Blessed Sacrament that inevitably fall to the floor during hand-to-hand and hand-to-mouth transfer (I’ve seen this a number of times, I even went and tried to pick some particles out of the floor on a few occasions), there is also deliberate profanation, as the second video shows. In that case, a Central American politician rightly denied Communion for promoting political views incompatible with the Faith was brought the Blessed Sacrament by his girlfriend (can you say, fornication?), who then stuffed it in his shirt pocket. Even worse, still, is the routine use of Hosts taken away from Catholic Masses for use in Black Masses by satanists. And, of course, there is the routine finding of the Blessed Sacrament in church pews, parking lots, shrubbery, on the floor, etc.
This is one of the most awful abuses of the Novus Ordo, and has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Second Vatican Council. It is simply a modernist abuse, an attempt to dramatically reduce acceptance of the Real Presence and proper Catholic Eucharistic piety.
Predictably, it has been wildly successful. First, the video sent by reader TB, then the Eucharistic scandal in Costa Rica:
Here is our new Jezebel in action:

You may not feel quite so smug, Jezebel, at your particular judgment. Heck, even in this life, once your youthful beauty fades, you might come to regret treating Our Blessed Lord as a cracker, even after apparently receiving counsel from the bishop.

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