Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Medugorje and Authority

I once was cautioned by a traditionalist to reject Medugorje since Our Lady said all religions are equal and that the holiest person in Medugorje was a Muslim. I asked this lady, who  maintains a traditionalist blog in Scotland to give me the reference.When did Our Lady say this I asked her?

So she said she would come back with the reference. She called up Daphne Mcleod in London. Daphne is critical of Medugorje because Michael Davis was critical of Medugorje.She said she could not find the reference!.Michael Davis did not mention it?

I have been to Medugorje twice.

I asked Fr.Slavko Barbaric OFM, the Spiritual Director of the seers, when did Our Lady make these two statements. He said that she did not!
I first read about them in a book by a Protestant lady in England who converted to the Catholic Church after her experiences in Medugorje.
E.Michael Jones and Michael Voris, also traditionalists, have used these quotes.
Secondly ' the Authority' is now saying all religions are equal. They have approved a new department for the Theology of Religions at the Gregorian Pontifical University, Rome. This is also being taught at the Urbaniana and Angelicum University.
-Lionel Andrades


Apparition of February 2nd, 2014 of our Lady in Medjugorje



  1. A Catholic Life: Unconfirmed: Vatican Allegedly Denounces ...
    acatholiclife.blogspot.com/2008/06/vatican-allegedly... Cached
    (Chronological Corpus of Medjugorje, p. 317 ... (Chronological Corpus of Medjugorje, p ... ("The Apparitions at Medjugorje," by Fr. Svat Kraljevic, 1984, p ...

    A Catholic Life: Is Medjugorje Catholic? Is Medjugorje Real?
    acatholiclife.blogspot.com/2014/01/is-medjugorje... Cached
    “All religions are equal before God," says the Virgin. (Chronological Corpus of Medjugorje, p. 317 "I do not dispose of all graces...Jesus prefers that ...

    The Medjugorje Hoax - Catholic Apologetics
    www.catholicapologetics.info/catholicteaching/private... Cached
    ... those present followed one another in order to ... at Medjugorje? by Fr. Rene Laurentin, 1984, p ... (Chronological Corpus of Medjugorje, p. 317 ...

    The Medjugorje Hoax
    www.medjugorjemap.com/the-medjugorje-hoax Cached
    ... those present followed one another in order to ... at Medjugorje? by Fr. Rene Laurentin, 1984, p.135 ... (Chronological Corpus of Medjugorje, p. 317) E) ...

    Catholic Trad: Traditional Roman Catholic Blog
    catholictrad.com/page/2 Cached
    (Chronological Corpus of Medjugorje, p.317) "In God there are no divisions or religions; it is you in the world who have created divisions." (Faricy, p.51) ...

    Medjugorje: The Facts and Messages, The Visionaries and Hoaxes
    www.st-mary.info/medjugorje Cached
    (Chronological Corpus of Medjugorje, p. 317) E) "In God there are no divisions or religions; ... Videos and Books in order to save souls! ...

    What is going on at Medjugorje?! - Fish Eaters
    catholicforum.fisheaters.com/index.php?topic=847354.0 Cached
    (Chronological Corpus of Medjugorje, p. 317) E) The Virgin: "I do not dispose of all graces ... ("The Apparitions at Medjugorje," by Fr. Svat Kraljevic, 1984, p.58) ...

    Medjugorje? - Catholic Answers Forums
    forums.catholic.com/showthread.php?t=116090 Cached
    (Chronological Corpus of Medjugorje, p. 317) E) The Virgin: "I do not dispose of all graces ... ("The Apparitions at Medjugorje," by Fr. Svat Kraljevic, 1984, p.58) ...

    The Diabolic Hoax called Medjugorje — Defeat Modernism
    defeatmodernism.com/false-apparitionsmessages/the... Cached
    ... those present followed one another in order to ... at Medjugorje? by Fr. Rene Laurentin, 1984, p.135 ...

  2. I am familiar with these reports.I have also posted articles on Medugorje on this blog.

    May be you cannot discuss those points too.

    There are also supporters of Medugorje.

  3. Wayne Wieble first wrote about the apparition's "all religions being equal in the sight of my son." I stopped believing in Medjugorie after reading that.

  4. Fr.Slavko Barbaric clarified it for me that Our Lady did not say that all religions are equal.

    She loves all people and all are like her children.

    It is we who do not love and have created divisions. God asks us to love all people.

    Our Lady speaks about the reality of Hell and says sin takes us there. She cries for her children who will be lost forever.

    At Medugorje she places in the emphasis on living in peace and the love of God for all.

    She speaks often about the Eucharist and Holy Mass and recommends repentance. She has touched the heart of millions of ex Catholics who have returned to the Sacraments, especilly Confession.
