Tuesday, February 4, 2014

SSPX District Superior Italy cites Fr.Matthias Gaudron on ecumenism also with the same error

The Society of St.Pius X, Italy (Fraternità Sacerdotale San Pio X), Albano has made available on its website its position on ecumenism. It has quoted a section of the book  Catechismo della crisi nella Chiesa, by Fr. Mathias Gaudron FSSPX which will soon be made available in Italian according to the website.
Once again, like the District Superior at Albano, Fr.Pierpaolo Petrucci, it is assumed that 'imperfect communion in the Church'(UR 3) is an explicit exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
The report on ecumenism by Fr.Matthias Gaudron is cited in Fr.Pierpaolo Petrucci's article on the recent ecumenical meeting at the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, where Pope Francis was present.
Here are two passages translated from Fr.Mathias Gaudron's report on ecumenism. 
What is the innovation in Vatican II?Vatican Council II has tried to find some sort of intermediate condition between membership and non-membership in the Catholic Church . The non-Catholic Christians , according to this view , would be in " imperfect communion " with the Church (cf. UR , n, 3 , Lumen Gentium , n . 15). This implies , of course , the possibility that members of non-Catholic communities may achieve eternal salvation even without the desire ( even implicitly ) to join the Catholic truth .

What is the traditional teaching of the Church on this subject?
The traditional teaching of the Church is this: to be saved we must belong to the Church either  in re ( that is, actually , through baptism , profession of the Catholic faith and submission to the hierarchy ) , or at least in voto ( through what is called baptism of desire, which may be explicit or implicit ) [13] . Therefore those who do not have the Catholic faith or who are not submissive to the hierarchy , and that , moreover , they have within themselves no desire, not even implied,to seek the truth , they cannot , if they persist in this disposition, obtain salvation : this is the meaning of the adage extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( "outside the Church there is no salvation "), which therefore does not exclude the possibility that a person can be saved outside the legal boundaries of the Catholic Church , but the Church teaches that without , ie without being a part of , or at least be ordered to it, with the baptism of desire , men can not achieve eternal salvation.(1)
 Every one needs to belong to the Church for salvation. One belongs to the Church with 'faith and baptism' (Ad Gentes 7). Every one in 2014 needs  Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation and we do not know any explicit case of some one not needing the baptism of water and being saved this year, with the baptism of desire. Every one needs faith and baptism for salvation and the SSPX priests do not know of a single case this year who will die with  imperfect communion with the Catholic Church and be saved.
So there are no known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus within or 'outside the legal boundaries of the Catholic Church'.We do not know any Protestant or Orthodox Christian who is going to be saved outside the legal boundaries of the Catholic Church and who will be an exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
The baptism of desire is irrelevant to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Since there are no known cases.None of us can say that a Protestant will have a genuine baptism of desire this year and be saved.These cases are always implicit for us.
Since there are no known exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Church has not changed its teaching on ecumenism and other religions, according to magisterial texts, including Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
If Father Piepaolo Petrucci accepts imperfect communion with the Church (UR 3) as being ' a possibility' ( as mentioned above) then it would be easier for him to consider UR 3 as implicit and not explicit. If it is accepted as implicit then it is not a contradiction to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.  He will not be denying the baptism of desire, but accepting it as implicit. This would be rational. It would also mean that Vatican Council II is traditional and does not contradict the traditional teaching on other religions and Christian communities.
Whatever be the confusion on Vatican Council II, the text is traditional. Also the confusion has been caused largely by mixing up implicit and explicit, in fact and in principle, invisible and visible.The fault is not with the Council.
-Lionel Andrades
Qual è l’innovazione del Vaticano II? Il Vaticano II ha cercato di trovare una sorta di condizione intermedia tra l’appartenenza alla Chiesa e la non appartenenza. I cristiani non cattolici, in quest’ottica, sarebbero in «comunione imperfetta» con la Chiesa (cfr. Unitatis redintegratio, n, 3; Lumen gentium, n. 15). Questo implica, logicamente, la possibilità che i membri di comunità non cattoliche possano conseguire la salvezza eterna anche senza avere il desiderio (neppure implicito) di aderire alla verità cattolica.

Qual è l’insegnamento tradizionale della Chiesa su questo argomento?
L’insegnamento tradizionale della Chiesa è questo: per salvarsi bisogna appartenere alla Chiesa o in re (cioè realmente, attraverso il battesimo, la professione della fede cattolica e la sottomissione alla gerarchia), o almeno in voto (cioèattraverso ciò che viene chiamato battesimo di desiderio, che può essere esplicito o implicito)[13]. Di conseguenza quelli che non hanno la fede cattolica o che non sono sottomessi alla gerarchia, e che, per di più, non hanno dentro di sé nessun desiderio nemmeno implicito di cercare la verità, non possono, se perseverano in queste disposizioni, procurarsi la salvezza: è questo il senso dell’adagio extra Ecclesiam nulla salus(«fuori della Chiesa non c’è salvezza»), che dunque non esclude che ci possa salvare anche al di fuori dei confini giuridici della Chiesa cattolica, ma insegna che senza la Chiesa, cioè senza o farne parte o almeno essere ordinati ad essa con il battesimo di desiderio, gli uomini non possono conseguire la salvezza eterna.
Fonte: Dal Catechismo della crisi nella Chiesa, don Mathias Gaudron FSSPX, edizione italiana fra poco disponibile. albano@sanpiox.it

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