Friday, February 28, 2014

The National Catholic Register is Tradition Unfriendly towards the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church

Patrick Archbald has posted a report The National Catholic Register is Not Tradition Unfriendly.
I think like the Catholic Herald,U.K they are tradition unfreindly when the issue touches on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. It is because of the dogma on exclusive salvation that the Tridentine Rite Mass is targeted. The Traditional Latin Mass is welcomed -but without 'ideology'.
It's this ideology that Archbald was supporting in his article which the Editor of the National Catholic Register had to censor. It was obvious he was being threathened.
Similarly one cannot write letters to the Editor or comment in the National Catholic Register supporting the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.So  to protect himself and threats to the NCR the Editor removed the post.
Recall that some of the liberal Rabbis, with political power, have said that they would oppose the Society of St.Pius X being given canonical status. In their language, which one has to decipher to get to the truth, it is said that the SSPX must  'maintain good relations with the Jews' . This means say that the Jews do not have to convert in the present moment.
They have to 'accept the reforms of Vatican Council II' .This means do not say that Vatican Council II (AG 7) says Jews need 'faith and baptism ' for salvation. Interpret Vatican  Council II assuming that all salvation referred to in the Council is explicit for us, we can see these dead people now in Heaven.These deceased-saved-and-visible are known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the rest of Tradition.
So on this aspect of Tradition the NCR is Tradition Unfriendly.They even interpret the Catechism of the Catholic Church in an irrational, non traditional, but prudent, way.

Vatican Council II does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus but who will say it ? Patrick Archbald, Mark Shea ?

There can be two basic interpretations of Vatican  Council II only, one is rational and the other is irrational. Will the NCR discuss this ? Would it be prudent for the Editor to do so?

It would be good for the newspaper and every one's career to just put down the SSPX !
-Lionel Andrades

Let me be very clear. The last thing I want to be is the cause of any damage to the National Catholic Register. I have been honored to write for them these past years and to be involved in the incredible growth of their web presence. They do good and necessary work on behalf of Christ.

While I admit that I was unhappy about what happened to my post the other day, I don't believe for a second that it was malicious or that it is in any way an indicator of tradition unfriendliness at the Register.

My editor had second thoughts about the piece after giving me the go ahead, but the communication was bungled.

The whole episode is embarrassing to everyone involved. My editor is a good man and a good friend. While I didn't share his concerns, he is responsible for what goes up and not me.

Everyone is regretful about how the situation played out. I know first hand that the folks at the Register are not unfriendly to traditional Catholics and they have allowed me to publish tradition-friendly posts before, posts you would not likely find in any other mainstream Catholic publication.

So nobody should think that because of this one unfortunate incident, the Register is unfriendly or unsympathetic to issues of concern to traditional Catholics.

So if my opinion carries any weight, please let this unfortunate incident go and move on.

There must have been a leftist storm over Archbold's report

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