Thursday, February 20, 2014

They were always correct : there are no known exceptions to the dogma

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre picked up the common error unknowingly (1)

The St.Benedict Centers the communities of Fr.Leonard Feeney in the USA were always correct. There are no known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, held the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. We now know that the baptism of desire can be accepted as implicit instead of explicit for us and so it was never an exception to the teaching on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.-L.A

Political pressure was exerted on Cardinal Cushing, who at one time promoted the great work of the Center, to now close it. Invited to functions at Harvard, the Cardinal could not withstand the pressure and sought ways to stop the evangelizing by causing a transfer of Father from the Center, through his Jesuit superiors. Father Feeney, identifying the ruse, knew his departure was signaling the surrender of the Faith to political powers. Father refused to obey the order, stating it was spurred on by pressure, and demanded a hearing. The fight suddenly shifted to a journalistic campaign denouncing Father for spreading the “malicious” dogma that there was “no Salvation outside the Church.”
Up to this time every Catholic believed this, a fact verified by the example of martyrs. The unrelenting condemnation of Father Feeney resulted in his supposed “excommunication” without due process. Father kept to his preaching, moving from the Center to the Boston Common. Crowds listened to him preach while others taunted him even spitting on him and his followers. Every newspaper condemned him, ruining his good name, even removing his literature from Catholic textbooks. Father appealed to Rome, but was buried in an avalanche of slander. He predicted that if the dogma of salvation was successfully obliterated in Boston, the Church would cease to exist there. Fifty years later, 84 of the churches in the Archdiocese have been closed...
In 1971, Humberto Cardinal Medeiros, the successor to Cushing, initiated a “reconciliation” of Father Feeney through the Benedictines, in whose house Father was living at the time. In 1972, The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith expressed a desire also to reconcile Father. On August 23, 1972, without retracting anything, Father Feeney recited the Creed which was witnessed and attested to by an auxiliary bishop from Boston and a priest. On November 22, 1972, Father Feeney was informed that he was now “reconciled” with the Church, Pope Paul VI having “lifted any censures, if there were any."- Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, St.Benedict Center Still River( Emphasis Added) 2




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