Friday, February 28, 2014

Vatican Council II is Anti-Semitic in England ?

David Madeley said...
The SSPX tried to buy a church in Manchester, UK, and there was a huge furore in the local press about anti-semites trying to buy a church. In the end there was a legal challenge and the deal fell through.

Creative Minority Report
It is unfortunate that the media in England considers the SSPX anti-Semitic even when they deny that they are anti Semitic.

According to this reasoning, all Catholics (non SSPX in this case), who accept Vatican Council II(AG 7) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church(845,846,1257) would be anti Semitic in England.

Since Vatican Council II, like the Bible and Tradition tells us that Jews need 'faith and baptism' for salvation. Jews need to convert according to Vatican Council II.

We do not know any exceptions in 2014 and neither does Vatican Council II mention any known exceptions to the traditional teaching on other religions and Christian communities and churches.

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