Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Archbishop of Liverpool is saying the Traditional Latin Mass can be a cause of division

"It depends how it is used. I mean, I’ve celebrated Mass in the Extraordinary Form when required and when I’ve been asked to. But the Mass always has to be a source of unity in the Church, and I certainly wouldn’t want to be used, and the Extraordinary Form to be used, to divide the Church. That would be my (only) concern. But there are plenty of pictures of me on the Internet (celebrating the Extraordinary Form)...with (laughing) mitres that don’t fit me and all that!"
Archbishop-Elect Malcolm McMahon, of Liverpool, on the Extraordinary Form of Mass -
Press Conference, March 21st, 2014
The Archbishop of Liverpool, England is saying that the Traditional Latin Mass (E.F) can be a cause of division in the Catholic Church.
The Mass itself is not a cause of division but the theology and doctrines which are held by those who offer the TLM is a cause of division.
There are  Catholics who attend the TLM, who reject Vatican Council II since they are not aware of the Cushing-Jesuit Factual Error (CJFE). While there are many bishops who offer the Novus Ordo Mass and they too are not aware of the CJFE.
The traditionalists reject Vatican Council II since they do not avoid the CJFE. Without this error Vatican Council II is traditional on the issue of other religions and Christians communities.
If the Archbishop of Liverpool would accept Vatican Counncil II without the CJFE then the Council would not be a break with the past.Presently Vatican Council II is a break with the past for the English bishops since they use the false premise in the interpretation of the Council.
It would have been meaninful for the journalist Gregory Murphy to have discussed this issue i.e the real cause of division being not the Mass but the CJFE.
-Lionel Andrades

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