Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ave Maria University of Tom Monaghan is making the same objective mistake as Fort Worth diocese

Even the Theology Faculty of the University of Dallas, a Catholic institution, assumes we can see the dead-saved who are explicit exceptions to Tradition, especially the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.

The John Paul II Institute School of Lay Ministry,Forth Worth diocese (1) and The Institute for Pastoral Theology, of the Ave Maria University in Florida (2) are listed on the website of the Fort Worth Diocese. They are approved by Bishop Michael Olson as centers for Catechetical and Theology training.
Most Reverend Michael F. Olson
Bishop Michael Olson and the priests at Fort Worth do  not accept a Vatican Council II in which LG 16,LG 8,UR 3 etc are invisible and implicit for us ,only. So there are no exceptions in Vatican Council II to the traditional interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

For the priests of the diocese LG 16, LG 8, UR 3 etc are considered to be visible and explicit for us in 2014. This is irrational.

Feast of the Assumption_05
The bishop will not acknowledge that since Vatican Council, without the false premise, does not contradict extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Council  is traditional on the issue of other religions and Christian communities. So there has been tension with the faculty of the Fischer More College in his diocese , who affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Tradition.
These errors are also being taught in religion classes in Catholic schools in the diocese . It is part of the adult catechesis too.
The same objective error is being made at the Ave Maria University and the nearby University of Dallas, which is a Catholic university (3).
-Lionel Andrades

Welcome to the website for the University of Dallas School of Ministry. The University of Dallas is a Catholic University in Irving, Texas, nationally recognized for its Core curriculum and liberal arts programs. As the Dean of the School of Ministry, I invite you to explore these webpages and learn about our pastoral ministry programs and our faculty, all of whom are highly skilled teachers dedicated to both the academic and spiritual formation of their students.

Our mission is to prepare women and men for pastoral service within the Catholic Church. In accord with Ex Corde Ecclesiae, our programs offer instruction and formation "by which Catholic students can, in fulfillment of their baptism, be prepared for active participation in the life of the Church." (41).
There are three major academic programs in our School: its flagship graduate program on the master's degree level; its Catholic Biblical School which offers continuing education in both Spanish and English; and its undergraduate major in pastoral ministry.
I should also mention our annual ministry conference in October which is the only Catholic ministry conference in Dallas and Fort Worth. Every year it attracts thousands who come for enrichment in a variety of fields within pastoral ministry, including Catholic school education, liturgy, marriage and family, and social justice.
As our focus is on pastoral ministry, we are a member of the Association of Graduate Programs in Ministry and the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education.
I welcome you to explore the exciting opportunities available in our School.
Mark J. Goodwin
School of Ministry, 
Associate Professor of Theology | Interim Dean, School of Ministry
University of Dallas ( A Catholic university)
Ave Maria University

First class heresy which is expected of priests, is also taught in schools at Catholic Fort Worth diocese http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/03/fisrt-class-heresy-expected-of-priests.html#links 

Students at Fischer More College attend Holy Mass offered by priests in public heresy?

Impediments to offering Holy Mass

Traditonal Latin Mass being targeted : Catholic blogs and websites are not discussing the real reason

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